Archaeopteryx is a connecting link between from Biology Evolutio

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


The· eyes of Octopus and eyes of cat show different patterns of structure, yet they perform similar function. This is an example of

  • homologous organs that have evolved due to convergent evolution

  • homologous organs that have evolved due to divergent evolution

  • analogous organs that have evolved due to convergent evolution

  • analogous organs that have evolved due to divergent evolution


Industrial melanism is an

  • effect of industrial pollution

  • effect of mutation

  • evidence of survival of fittest

  • evidence of favour of natural selection



Archaeopteryx is a connecting link between

  • pisces and amphibians

  • amphibians and reptiles

  • reptiles and birds

  • birds and mammals


reptiles and birds

Archaeopteryx is a connecting link between birds and reptiles. They possessed long tail, teeth in jaws, long neck with cervical vertebrae, all are reptilian characters. Like birds, it had wings and beak. It was warm blooded. Hence, it is considered as a connecting link between reptiles and birds.


Which of these gases was/were present in prebiotic atmosphere?

  • Ammonia

  • Methane

  • Oxygen

  • Hydrogen


The direct ancestor of the living modern man is

  • Homo erechis

  • Homo neanderthalensis

  • Homo sapiens fossils

  • Homo sapiens sapiens


Consider the following statements given below.

I. First living form originated from semi-arid land.

II. Nucleic acid were the first sign of life and represented beginning of life.

III. It was strongly beleived that prokaryotes evolved to from eukaryotes.

Choose the correct option

  • I and II

  • II and III

  • Only III

  • I, II and III


Parapatric speciation takes place when

  • a small segment of the original population becomes isolated reproductively

  • a part of the population becomes geographically isolated from the main population

  • a very different daughter species bud off from a semi- isolated peripheral population of ancestral species

  • a population of a species enters a new habitat


Evolution of horses occured in

  • Holocene epoch

  • Miocene epoch

  • Palaeocene epoch

  • Eocene epoch


Reproductive isolation mechanism prevent interbreeding of naturally sympatric population. Given below are categories of isolating mechanisms. Choose the correct name for isolation when potential mates occupy overlapping ranges but reproduce at different times of the year.

  • Ecological isolation

  • Behavioural isolation

  • Temporal isolation

  • Mechanical isolation


Darwin in the 'theory of natural selection' states that

  • characters acquired during the life of an individual are inherited by its offsprings

  • environment does not play any role in the evolution

  • natural selection acts on favourable variations, which appear among individuals of a species

  • heritable variations arises through changes in the gene complex of species
