Important Questions of Human Health and Disease Biology | Zigya

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Select the correct combination (s) from the followings.

  • Encephalitis - Viral disease

  • Kala-azar - Phlebotomus

  • Rhabditiform larvae - Ascaris

  • Entamoeba - Sporogony


Study the following statements with reference to drugs and choose the incorrect one

I. Barbiturates cause sleeplessness.

II. Opioids are obtained from the leaves of Erythroxylum coca.

III. Morphine is a very effective sedative and pain killer.

IV. Cocaine is obtained from Indian hemp plant.

  • I, II, III

  • II, III, IV

  • I, III, IV

  • I, II, IV


Match the following Columns.
Column I Column II
A. Interferons 1. Fab
B. Paratope 2. Inflammatory mediators
C. Interlukins 3. Antiviral proteins
D. Histamine 4. White blood cells
  5. Anticoagulant

  • A- 3; B- 1; C- 2; D- 4

  • A- 3; B- 1; C- 4; D- 2

  • A- 3; B- 4; C- 5; D- 2

  • A- 3; B- 2; C- 4; D- 5


Guillain Base syndrome is an autoimmune disease in humans. In this disease, antibodies are produced against.

  • TSH receptor on thyroid cells

  • Pancreatic beta cell antigen

  • Acetylcholine receptor of motor endplate

  • Myelin of peripheral nerves


Sushi is a highly prized delicacy prepared from the flesh of Japanese puffer fish.

But recently it is found to pose health risk to humans because.

  • tetrodotoxin (TTX) in its gonads block Na+ channels on axons

  • α- bungarotoxin from the fish block acetylcholine receptors

  • toxins in its body block different types of voltage gated by Ca2+ channels

  • None of the above


Match the following columns and choose the correct option from the codes given below.
Column I (Cytokine) Column II (Function)
A. Gamma infection (γ- IFN) 1. Stimulates TH cells in the presence of antigens
B. Interlukin 1 (IL- 1) 2. Cytotoxic to tumour cells
C. Interlukin 2 (IL- 2) 3. Increase macrophage activity against tumour cells
D. Tumour necrosis factors beta (TNF- β) 4. Involved in the proliferation of antigen- stimulated TH cells

  • A - 1; B - 4; C - 3; D - 2

  • A - 4; B - 3; C - 2; D - 1

  • A - 3; B - 1; C - 4; D - 2

  • A - 2; B - 3; C - 1; D - 4


Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

  • Cholera - Vibrio cholerae

  • German measles - Rubella virus

  • Whooping cough - Bordetella pertussis

  • Jaundice - Pasteurella pestis


Match the following column I with column II
Column I Column II
A. Adenoma 1. Cancer of muscular tissue
B. Lipoma 2. Cancer of pigmented epithelium of skin
C. Glioma 3. Cancer of glands
D. Myoma 4. Cancer of glial cells of central nervous system
E. Melanoma 5. Cancer of adipose tissue

  • A - 1; B - 2; C - 3; D - 5; E - 4

  • A - 5; B - 4; C - 2; D - 1; E - 3

  • A - 4; B - 5; C - 1; D - 2; E - 3

  • A - 3; B - 5; C - 4; D - 1; E - 2


Host cells in response to viral infections produces a low molecular weight protein, that protect other cells against further viral infection. This substance is

  • phytotoxin

  • antibody

  • hormone

  • interferon


Tumour promoter is

  • substance that activates transcription in cancer cells

  • oncogene promoting cancer

  • substance that produces tumour

  • All of the above
