The magnitude of root pressure ranges from from Biology Transpor

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Potometer works on the principle of

  • amount of water absorbed equals the maount transpired

  • osmotic pressure

  • root pressure

  • potential difference between the tip of the tube and that of the plant


Which one of the following does'nt help in molecule transport?

  • Diffusion

  • Osmosis

  • Surface tension

  • Active transport


Potometer is used to measure

  • ascent of sap

  • root pressure

  • transpiration

  • photosynthesis


The real forces responsible for the movement of water from one cell to another cell is mainly

  • Osmotic Pressure (OP)

  • Turgor Pressure (TP)

  • Diffusion Pressure Deficit (DPD)

  • imbibition



The magnitude of root pressure ranges from

  • 2-5 atm

  • 0.1-0.2 atm

  • 1-5 atm

  • 4-6 atm


1-5 atm

The term root pressure was coined by Stephen Hales (1727). The evidences that support the existence of this phenomenon are bleeding and guttation. The magnitude of root pressure is 1-2 atm and very rarely 5 atm.


Assertion: Translocation of sugar from source (leaf) to sink is defined as pressure flow hypothesis.

Reason: Translocation of the solute is facilitated through living phloem sieve tube cells.

  • If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If assertion is true but reason is false.

  • If both assertion and reason are false.


A plasmolysed cell can be deplasmolysed by placing it in

  • isotonic solution

  • saturated solution

  • pure water or hypotonic solution

  • hypertonic solution


Which one of the following is correct for the transmembrane proteins in lipid bilayer of plasma membrane?

  • They are absent in animal cells

  • They act as channel proteins

  • They are absent in plant cells

  • They are only externally located


Na+/K+ pump is associated with

  • passive transport

  • active transport

  • osmosis

  • imbibition


What is correct about the movement of substance across the membrane in facilitated diffusion?

  • It is an active transport

  • It doesn't cause transport of molecules from low concentration to high concentration

  • It is insensitive to inhibitors

  • It is a very specific transport
