The main product formed in the following reaction is
As -NH3 group is more reactive than -OH group, CH3COCl will attack -NH3 group and give as the product.
The correct order of the basic strength of the following are
Which of the following sodium compound/compound (s) are formed when an organic compound containing both nitrogen and sulphur is fused with sodium?
Cyanide and sulphide
Sulphite and Cyanide
Nitrate and sulphide
Which of the following is an example of carbylamine reaction?
2Ph NH2 + CS2 Ph- NCS
R - NH2 + HNO2 R - OH + N2 + HCl
Ph - NH2 + CHCl3 + 3KOH (alc.) ph - NC + 3KCl + 3H2O
Ph2 - NH + HONO Ph2 - N - N O + H2O
C3H9N reacts with Hinsberg reagent and the product is insoluble in alkali but soluble in ether. This nitrogen containing compound is
primary amine
secondary amine
tertiary amine
methyl isocyanide
Which of the following compounds gives carbylamine test?
N-methyl-o-methyl aniline
N, N-dimethyl aniline
2, 4-diethyl aniline
p-methyl-N-methyl benzylamine
Which of the following is 3° amine?
Triethyl amine
N-methyl aniline