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When a metal atom combines with a non-metal atom, the non-metal atom will

  • lose electrons and decrease in size

  • lose electrons and increase in size

  • gain electrons and decrease in size

  • gain electrons and increase in size 


Born-Haber cycle can be used to estimate

  • electronegativity

  • electron affinity

  • ionic radii

  • All of these


Which is heaviest ?

  • 25g mercury

  • 2 mol carbon dioxide

  • 2 mol water

  • 4 g-atom of oxygen


The correct order of electron affinity of oxygen, sulphur, chlorine, fluorine is

  • S < O < Cl < F

  • S < O < F < Cl

  • O < S < F < Cl

  • O < S < Cl < F


The metal which deposits copper from copper sulphate solution is

  • gold

  • iron

  • platinum

  • mercury



On Pauling scale, the electronegativity of an element is measured by using

  • χA - χB = 

  • χA - χB = 0.208 

  • χA + χB = 0.208 

  • χA - χB = 0.208 2


χA - χB = 0.208 

On Pauling scale, the electronegativity is measured as

χA - χB = 0.208 

where, χA - χB = difference in electronegativity

 = EA - B = EA - A × EB - B

(EA - B = Bond dissociation energy of A - B)

EA - A = Bond dissociation energy of A - A

EB - B = Bond dissociation energy of B - B)


There is a general understanding of ionic radius based on the nuclear charges and the number of electrons surrounding the nucleus which generally works very well. Which one of the following represents the correct decreasing order ofionic radius for C4-, N3-, O2- and F-?

  • C4- > N3- > O2- > F- 

  • F-> O2- > N3- > C4-

  • O2- > N3- > C4- > F-

  • F- > N3- > C4- > O2-


What is the name of the element with atomic number 105?

  • Dubnium

  • Holmium

  • Kurchatovium

  • Nobelium


The ions N3-, O2-, F-, Na+, Mg2+ are isoelectronic. Their ionic radii show

  • an increase from N3- to F- and then decrease from N+ to Mg2+

  • a decrease from N3- to F- and then increase from Na+ to Mg2+

  • a significant increase from N3- to Mg2+

  • a significant decrease from N3- to Mg2+


Which of the following pairs of ions cannot be separated by H2S in dilute HCl?

  • Bi3+, Sn4+

  • Al3+, Hg2+

  • Cu2+, Zn2+

  • Ni2+, Cu2+
