Which ofthese is least likely to act as a Lewis base? from Chemi

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Which ofthese is least likely to act as a Lewis base?

  • CO

  • F-

  • BF3

  • PF3



Electron rich species are called Lewis base. Among the given, BF3 is an electron deficient species, so have a capacity of electron accepting instead of donating that's why it is least likely to act as a Lewis base. It is a Lewis acid.


An electric current is passed through an aqueous solution of a mixture of alanine (isoelectric point 6.0), glutamic acid (3.2) and arginine (10.7) buffered at pH 6. What is the fate of the three acids?

  • Glutamic acid migrates to anode at pH 6. Arginine is present as a cation and migrates to the cathode. Alanine in a dipolar ion remains uniformly distributed in solution

  • Glutamic acid migrates to cathode and others remain uniformly distributed in solution

  • All three remain uniformly distributed in solution

  • All three move to cathode


If the molecular wt. of Na2S2O3 and I2 are M1 and M2 respectively then what will be the equivalent weight of Na2S2O3 and I2 in the following reaction?

2S2O32- + I2  S4O62- + 2I-

  • M1 , M2

  • M1 , M2/2

  • 2M1 , M2

  • M1 , 2M2


The solubility of Ca3(PO4)2 in water is y mol/L. Its solubility product is:

  • 6y4

  • 36y4

  • 64y5

  • 108y5


The equilibrium constant (K) of a reaction may be written as

  • K = e-G/RT

  • K =e-G°/RT

  • K = e-H/RT

  • K = e-H°/RT


For the reaction  SO2 + 12O2  SO3 , if we write Kp = Kc(RT)x, then x become

  • -1

  • -12

  • 12

  • 1


Which of the following will decrease the pH of  a 50 mL solution of 0.01 M HCl?

  • Addition of 5 mL of 1 M HCl

  • Addition of 50 mL of 0.01 M HCl

  • Addition of 50 mL of 0.002 M HCl

  • Addition of Mg


Under which of the following conditions is the relation H =E + PV valid for a closed system ?

  • Constant pressure

  • Constant temperature

  • Constant temperature and pressure

  • Constant temperature, pressure and composition


For a reversible chemical reaction where the forward process is exothermic, which of the following statements is correct ?

  • The backward reaction has higher activation energy than the forward reaction.

  • The backward and the forward processes have the same activation energy.

  • The backward reaction has lower activation energy

  • No activation energy is required at all since energy is liberated in the process.


0.1M HCl and 0.1M H2SO4 each of volume 2 mL are mixed and the volume is made upto 6 mL by adding 2 mL of 0.01N NaCl solution. The pH of the resulting mixture is

  • 1.17

  • 1.0

  • 0.3

  • log 2 - log 3
