The vapour pressure of benzene at a certain temperature is 640 mm

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Which of these ions is expected to be coloured in aqueous solution?

I. Fe3+

II. Ni2+

III. Al3+

  • I and II

  • II and III

  • I and III

  • I, II and III


A 0.1 molal aqueous solution of a weak acid is 30% ionised. If Kf for water is 1.86° C/m, the freezing point of the solution will be

  • -0.18°C

  • -0.54°C

  • -0.36°C

  • -0.24°C


The freezing point of a solution composed of 10.0 g of KCl in 100 g of water is 4.5°C. Calculate the van't Hoff factor, i for this solution.

  • 2.50

  • 1.8

  • 1.2

  • 1.3


During the depression in freezing point experiment, an equilibrium is established between the molecules of

  • liquid solvent and solid solvent

  • liquid solute and solid solvent

  • liquid solute and solid solute

  • liquid solvent and solid solute


The freezing point of a 0.05 molal solution of a non- electrolyte in water is

  • -0.093° C

  • 1.86°C

  • 0.93° C

  • 0.093°C


Solutions A, B, C and D are respectively 0.1 M glucose, 0.05 M NaCl, 0.05 M BaCl2 and 0.1 M AlCl3. Which one of the following pairs is isotonic?

  • A and B

  • B and C

  • A and D

  • A and C


Copper is a divalent metal. The value of its electrochemical equivalent is 3.29 × 10-4 g. Its atomic mass is

  • 31.74 g

  • 63.5 g

  • 126.9 g

  • 15.87 g



The vapour pressure of benzene at a certain temperature is 640 mm of Hg. A non-volatile and non-electrolyte solid weighing 2.175 g is added to 39.08 g of benzene. If the vapour pressure of the solution is 600 mm of Hg, what is the molecular weight of solid substance ?

  • 49.50

  • 59.60

  • 69.60

  • 79.82



Given, vapour pressure of benzene,

        pº =  640 mm Hg
Vapour pressure of solution,
       p= 600 mm Hg
Weight of solute,w = 2.175 g
Weight of benzene, W = 39.08 g
Molecular weight of benzene,
            M =78 g
Molecular weight of solute, m=?
According to Raoult's law,

p°-pp°= w × Mm ×W640- 600640=2.175 × 78m × 39.0840640=2.175 × 78m × 39.08m= 16 × 2.175 ×7839.08m = 69.60


Which of the following solutions will have highest boiling point ?

  • 0.1 M FeCl3

  • 0.1 M BaCl2

  • 0.1 M NaCl

  • 0.1 M urea (NH2CONH2)


Maximum depression in freezing point is caused by

  • potassium chloride

  • sodium sulphate

  • magnesium sulphate

  • magnesium carbonate
