An example for autocatalysis is : from Chemistry Surface Chemist

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Which of the following is not a characteristic of chemisorption?

  • H is of the order of 400 kJ

  • Adsorption is irreversible

  • Adsorption may be multimolecular layer

  • Adsorption is specific


The concentration of electrolyte required to coagulate a given amount of As2S3 solution is minimum in the case of

  • magnesium nitrate

  • potassium nitrate

  • potassium sulphate

  • aluminium nitrate


In the manufacture of sulphuric acid by contact process, Tyndall box is used to

  • filter dust particles

  • remove impurities

  • convert SO2 to SO3

  • test the presence of dust particles


Pick out the statement which is not relevant in the discussion of colloids

  • sodium aluminium silicate is used in the softening of hard water

  • potash alum is used m shavmg rounds and as a styptic in medicine

  • artificial rain is caused by throwing electrified sand on the clouds from an aeroplane

  • deltas are formed at a place where the river pours its water into the sea


The diameter of colloidal particles range from

  • 10-6m to 10-9m

  • 10-9m to 10-12m

  • 103m to 10-3m

  • 10-3m to 10-6 m


Identify the gas which is readily adsorbed by activated charcoal

  • N2

  • SO2

  • H2

  • O2


A emulsifier is a substance which

  • stabilises the emulsion

  • homogenises the emulsion

  • coagulates the emulsion

  • accelerates the dispersion of liquid in liquid


The temperature of the system decreases in an

  • adiabatic compression

  • isothermal compression

  • isothermal expansion

  • adiabatic expansion



An example for autocatalysis is :

  • oxidation of NO to NO2

  • oxidation of SO2 to SO3

  • decomposition of KClOto KCl and O2

  • oxidation of oxalic acid by acidified KMnO4


oxidation of oxalic acid by acidified KMnO4

Autocatalysis is a process in which one of the product behaves as a catalyst. e.g,

2KMnO4 + 5H2C2O4 + 3H2SO4 → K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 8H2O + 10CO2

The pink colour of KMnO4 disappears slowly on reaction with oxalic acid, but the rate of disappearance of colour fastens after some time due to the formation of MnSO4 which acts as auto catalyst for the reaction.


2SO2 (g) + O2 (g) V2O5 is an example for 

  • neutralisation reaction

  • homogeneous catalysis

  • heterogeneous catalysis

  • irreversible reaction
