In an LCR circuit the potential difference between the terminals

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The maximum value of AC voltage in a circuit is 707 V. Its rms value is

  • 70.7 V

  • 100 V

  • 500 V

  • 707 V


The resonant frequency of an LCR circuit occurs at a frequency equal to

  • 1LC

  • 1LC

  • 1LCR

  • 1CR


An AC is given by i = i1 cos ωt + i2 sin ωt. The rrns current is given by

  • i1 + i22

  • i1 - i22

  • i12 + i222

  • i12 - i222


If a transformer of an audio amplifier has output impedance 8000 Ω and the speaker has input impedance of 8 Ω, the primary and secondary turns of this transformer connected between the output of amplifier and to loud speaker should have the ratio

  • 1000 : 1

  • 100 : 1

  • 1 : 32

  • 32 : 1


Alternating current is transmitted to distant places

  • at high voltage and low current

  • at high voltage and high current

  • at low voltage and low current

  • at low voltage and high current


In a step-up transformer the voltage in the primary is 220 V and the current is 5 A. The secondary voltage is found to be 22000 V. The current in the secondary (neglect losses) is

  • 5 A

  • 50 A

  • 500 A

  • 0.05 A


In a pure inductive circuit, current

  • lags behind emf by π/2

  • leads the emf by π/2

  • lags behind by π

  • leads the emf by π


The time taken by AC of 50 Hz in reaching from zero to the maximum value is

  • 50 × 10-3 sec

  • 5 × 10-3 sec

  • 1 × 10-3 sec

  • 2 × 10-3 sec


The ratio of the secondary to the primary turns in a transformer is 3 : 2 and the output power is P. Neglecting all power losses, the input power must be

  • P2

  • P

  • 2P3

  • 3P2



In an LCR circuit the potential difference between the terminals of the inductance is 60 V, between the terminals of the capacitor is 30 V and that between the terminals of resistance is 40 V. The supply voltage will be equal to

  • 130 V

  • 10 V

  • 50 V

  • 70 V


50 V

Resultant potential difference (supply voltage) of an LCR circuit is

V = VR2 + VL - VC2   =  402 + 60 - 302   = 402 + 302   = 502   = 50 volt
