In the circuit shown below, the ammeter and the voltmeter reading

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Three resistances 2 Ω, 3 Ω and 4 Ω are connected in parallel. The ratio of currents passing through them when a potential difference is applied across its ends will be

  • 5 : 4 : 3

  • 6 : 3 : 2

  • 4 : 3 : 2

  • 6 : 4 : 3


Four identical cells of emf E and internal resistance r are to be connected in series. Suppose, if one of the cell is connected wrongly, the equivalent emf and effective internal resistance of the combination is

  • 2E and 4r

  • 4E and 4r

  • 2E and 2r

  • 4E and 2r



In the circuit shown below, the ammeter and the voltmeter readings are 3A and 6V respectively. Then, the value of the resistance R is


  • < 2 Ω

  • 2 Ω

  • ≥ 2 Ω

  • > 2 Ω


< 2 Ω

Given, I = 3 A

         V = 6 V

We know that,

V = IRR = VI   R = 63R = 2 Ω


If the ammeter and voltmeter have resstance i.e,

R < 2 Ω


Two cells of emf E1 and E2 are joined in opposition (such that E1 > E2). If r1 and r2 be the internal resistances and R be the external resistance, then the terminal potential difference is


  • E1 - E2r1 + r2 × R

  • E1 + E2r1 + r2 × R

  • E1 - E2r1 + r2 + R × R

  • E1 + E2r1 + r2 + R × R


The resistance ofa bulb filament is 100 Ω at a temperature of 100°C. If its temperature coefficient of resistance be 0.005 per°C, then its resistance will become 200 Ω at a temperature

  • 500°C

  • 300°C

  • 200°C

  • 400°C


In Wheatstone network, P = 2 Ω, Q = 2 Ω, R = 2 Ω and S = 3 Ω. The resistance with which S is to be shunted in order that the bridge may be balanced is

  • 4 Ω

  • 1 Ω

  • 6 Ω

  • 2 Ω


Two parallel wires 1 m apart carry currents of 1 A and 3 A respectively in opposite directions. The force per unit length acting between two wires is

  • 6 × 10-5 Nm-1 repulsive

  • 6 × 10-7 Nm-1 repulsive

  • 6 × 10-5 Nm-1 attractive

  • 6 × 10-7 Nm-1 attractive


Mobility of free electrons in a conductor is

  • directly proportional to electron density

  • directly proportional to relaxation time

  • inversely proportional to electron density

  • inversely proportional to relaxation time


Variation of resistance of the conductor with temperature is as shown


The temperature coefficient (α) of the conductor is

  • R0m

  • mR0

  • m2R0

  • mR0


Potential difference between A and B in the following circuit


  • 4 V

  • 5.6 V

  • 2.8 V

  • 6 V
