N identical drops of mercury are charged sumultaneously to 10 V.

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N identical drops of mercury are charged sumultaneously to 10 V. When combined to form one large drop, the potential is found to be 40 V, the value of N is

  • 4

  • 6

  • 8

  • 10



After combining, the volume remains same i.e., volume of bigger drop = N x Volume of smaller drop

or        43 πR3 = N × 43 πr3or      N = Rr3                   ......... (i)

As charge is conserved, hence

           Q = Nq                          .......... (ii)

 Capacity of bigger drop = 4πε0R

Capacity of smaller drop = 4πε0r

From Eq. (ii), we have

        4πε0R Vbig = N 4πε0r Vsmallor  4πε0R × 40 = N  4πε0r × 10or                    4R = Nr                        Rr = N4                      ......... (iii)

From Eqs. (i) and (iii),

     N = N43or  N = N364or N2 = 64or   N = 8 


The electrostatic potential energy between proton and electron separated by a distance 1 A is

  • 13.6 V

  • 27.2 eV

  • 14.4 eV

  • 1.44 eV


The plates of a parallel plate capacitor with air as medium are separated by a distance of 8 mm. A medium of dielectric constant 2 and thickness 4 mm having the same area is introduced between the plates. For the capacitance to remain the same, the distance between the plates is

  • 8 mm

  • 6 mm

  • 10 mm

  • 12 mm


Two identical air core capacitors are connected in series to a voltage source of 15 V. If one of the capacitors is filled with a medium of dielectric constant 4, the new potential across this capacitor is

  • 5 V

  • 8 V

  • 10 V

  • 12 V


A network of six identical capacitors, each of value C, is made as shown in the figure.


The equivalent capacitance between the points A and B is

  • 4C11

  • 3C/4

  • 3C/2

  • 3C


Find the potential at the centre of a square of side 2 m which carries at its four corners charges q1 = 3 × 10-6 C, q2 = − 3 × 10-6 C, q3 = − 4 × 10-6 C, q4 = 7 × 10-6 C

  • 2.7 × 104 V

  • 1.5 × 103 V

  • 3 × 102 V

  • 5 × 103 V


If c is the speed of electromagnetic waves in vacuum, its speed in a medium of dielectric constant K and relative permeability μr is

  • v = 1μrK

  • v = cμrK

  • v = cμrK

  • v = Kμrc


The electrostatic field due to a charged conductor just outside the conductor is

  • zero and parallel to the surface at every point inside the conductor

  • zero and is normal to the surface at every point inside the conductor

  • parallel to the surface at every point and zero inside the conductor

  • normal to the surface at every point and zero inside the conductor


Figure below shows four plates each of area A and separated from one another by a distance d. What is the capacitance between P and Q ?


  • ε0Ad

  • 2ε0Ad

  • 3ε0Ad

  • 4ε0Ad


A soap bubble is charged to a potential of 16 V. Its radius is, then doubled. The potential of the bubble now will be

  • 16 V

  • 8 V

  • 4 V

  • 2 V
