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A lens acts as converging in air and diverging when immersed in water. Then, refractive index of lens is :

  • equal to unity

  • below 1.33

  • greater than 1.33

  • less than unity


The angular resolution of a 10 cm diameter telescope at a wavelength of 5000 A is of the order of

  • 106 rad

  • 10-2 rad

  • 10-4 rad

  • 10-6 rad


The frequency of a light wave in a material is 2 x 1014 Hz and wavelength is 5000 Ao.  The refractive index of material will be

  • 1.40

  • 1.50 

  • 3.00

  • 1.33


The refractive index of glass is 1.520 for red light and 1.525 for blue light. Let D1 and D2 be angles of minimum deviation for red and blue light respectively in a prism of this glass. then,

  • D1 < D2

  • D1 = D2

  • D1 can be less than or greater than D2 depending upon the angle of prism

  • D1 > D2


In a laboratory four convex lenses L1 ,L2 , L3 and L4 of focal lengths 2, 4, 6 and 8 cm,respectively are available. Two of these lenses form a telescope of length 10 cm and magnifying power 4. The objective and eye lenses are respectively

  • L2 , L3

  • L1, L4

  • L1 , L2

  • L4 , L1


A symmetric double convex lens is cut in two equal parts by a plane perpendicular to the principal axis. If the power of the original lens is 4D, the power of a cut lens will be

  • 2D

  • 3D

  • 4D

  • 5D


In refraction, light waves are bent on passing from one medium to the second medium, because, in the second medium

  •  the frequency is different

  • the coefficient of elasticity is different

  • the speed is different

  • the amplitude is smaller


A telescope has focal length of objective and eye-piece as 200 cm and 5 cm respectively. What is magnification of telescope?

  • 40

  • 80

  • 50

  • 0.01



Which of the following is true for rays coming from infinity?


  • Two images are formed

  • continuous image is formed between focal points of upper and lower lens

  • One image is formed

  • None of the above


Two images are formed

Since, lens is made of two layers of different refractive indices, for a given wavelength of light it will have two focal lengths or will form two images at two different points as there are μ's is

                1f  μ - 1 


A plane mirror produces a magnification of

  • zero

  • -1

  • +1

  • between 0 and +1
