The intensity of sound gets reduced by 10% on passing through a s

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The wavefront of a wave has direction with wave motion

  • parallel

  • perpendicular

  • opposite

  • at an angle of θ


A beam of light of wavelength 600 nm from a distant source falls on a single slit 1 mm wide and the resulting diffraction pattern is observed on a screen 2 m away. The distance between the first dark fringes on either side of the central bright fringe is

  • 1.2 cm

  • 1.2 mm

  • 2.4 cm

  • 2.4 mm


The specific rotation of a sugar solution is 0.5 deg m2/kg. 200 kg-m-3 of impure sugar solution is- taken in a sample polarimeter tube of length 20 cm and optical rotation is found to be 19°. The percentage of purity of sugar is

  • 20%

  • 80%

  • 95%

  • 89%


In Young's double-slit experiment with sodium vapor lamp of wavelength 589 nm and the slits 0.589 min apart, the half angular width of the central maximum is

  • sin-1(0.01)

  • sin-1(0.0001)

  • sin-1(0.001)

  • sin-1(0.1)


When the angle of incidence is 60° on the surface of a glass slab, it is found that the reflected ray is completely polarised. The velocity of light in glass is

  • √2 x 108 ms-1

  • √3 x 108 ms-1

  • 2 x 108 ms-1

  • 3 x 108 ms-1



The intensity of sound gets reduced by 10% on passing through a slab. The reduction in intensity on passing through two consecutive slabs would be

  • 20 %

  • 19 %

  • 5 %

  • 50 %


19 %

Reduction on passing through first slab = 10% Reduction on passing through second slab =10 % of 90 = 9

Therefore, Total reduction= (10 + 9)% = 19%


Four independent waves are expressed as

(i) y1 = a1sinωt(ii) y2 = a2sinωt(iii) y3 = a3cosωt(iv) y4 = a4sinωt + π3

  • (i) and (iii)

  • (i) and (iv)

  • (ii) and (iv)

  • not possible at all


Two coherent monochromatic light beams of intensities I and 4 I superimpose. The maximum and minimum possible intensities in the resulting beam are respectively

  • 5I and I

  • 5I and 3I

  • 3I and I

  • 9I and I


Ordinary light incident on a glass slab at the polarising angle suffers a deviation of 22°. The value of the angle of refraction in glass in this case is

  • 56°

  • 68°

  • 34°

  • 22°


Which one of the following does not support the wave nature of light?

  • Photoelectric effect

  • Interference

  • Polarization

  • Diffraction
