Seema learns every lesson very quickly but Leena takes longer to

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Which of the following is predominantly a heredity related factor?

  • Colour of the eyes

  • Participation in social activities

  • Attitude towards peer group

  • Thinking pattern



Seema learns every lesson very quickly but Leena takes longer to learn them. It denotes the developmental principle of

  • individual differences

  • inter-relationships

  • continuity

  • general to specific


individual differences


Environmental factors that shape development include all of the following except

  • quality of nutrition

  • culture

  • quality of education

  • physique


Mrs. Kumar's first child walked at 10 months. Her second child is now 12 months old and still not walking. She is not upset of alarmed because

  • her husband says he did not start walking until he was 14 months old

  • she knows that the longer she waits, the stronger his legs will be for walking

  • a neighbour boy is 18 months old and he is still not walking

  • she knows that he is within the normal time bound for the development of walking


Which stage of development is known as 'Age of stress and storm'?

  • Infancy

  • Childhood

  • Adolescence

  • Adulthood


The effect of relation of heredity and environment on the individual's growth, occurs in one of the following way.

  • Heredity affects the individual

  • Environment affects the individual

  • Heredity+Environment affects the individual

  • None of the above


Heredity is considered as a ________ social structure.

  • primary

  • secondary

  • dynamic

  • static


Which stage is considered as elementary school age according to Freudian stages of development?

  • Oral stage

  • Anal stage

  • Latency stage

  • Phallic stage


During particular period, development is advanced but takes rest in the following period to consolidate his development. It follows the following law of development.

  • Principle of Integration

  • Principle of Continuity

  • Principle of Spiral advancement

  • Principle of Uniform pattern


Which of the following statements support role of environment in the development of a child?

  • Some students quickly process information while others in the same class do not

  • There has been a steady increase in students' average performance on IQ tests in last few decades

  • Correlation between IQs of identical twins raised in different homes is as high as 0.75

  • Physically fit children are often found to be morally good
