The principle of trial and error was propounded by from Child De

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


The object in the environment which an organism tries to attain is called

  • Reinforcement

  • Motive

  • Stimulus

  • Incentive


Powerful motivation is effective factor of learning.

  • Child becomes healthy

  • Does meditation

  • Learns rapidly

  • Feels happy


How will you eradicate stealing habit of the students?

  • Giving rewards

  • Through example

  • Scolding

  • Punishment


Which one of the following statements about motivation and learning is correct?

  • Learning is effective only when the students have intrinsic motivation - a desire to learn from inside

  • Learning is effective only when the students are extrinsically motivated - motivated by external factors

  • Motivation does not have any role to play in learning

  • Learning is effective only when the students are motivated using external rewards


Which one of the following statements about learning is correct?

  • Learning is equivalent to acquisition of skills

  • Learning is facilitated by social actions

  • Learning is a passive receptive process

  • Learning does not depend on learner's previous knowledge


Thorndike's theory falls under which of the following categories?

  • Behaviouristic theory

  • Cognitive theory

  • Psychoanalytic theory

  • None of the above


Escape learning is based on

  • Positive reinforcement

  • Negative reinforcement

  • Delayed reinforcement

  • Omission reinforcement


................... is one of the primary laws of learning.

  • Law of attitude

  • Law of effect

  • Law of analogy

  • Law of associative shifting



The principle of trial and error was propounded by

  • Pavlov

  • Hegarty

  • Thorndike

  • Ross



EL Thorndike was the chief exponent of the theory of connectionism or trial and error. This method of learning involves random reactions and accidental success. There is a gradual elimination of the unsuccessful reactions and the retention of the successful ones.


Who is associated with 'Gestalt Theory of Learning' from the following?

  • Pavlov

  • Skinner

  • Thorndike

  • Kohler
