Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition.'She went _______

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Choose 'one-word substitution'.

A child born after the death of the father

  • Pessimist

  • Posthumous

  • Pacifist

  • Orphan


Choose the option that describes the meaning of the underlined phrase or word.

He frequently goes back on his words

  • repeats the words

  • confuses others

  • stumbles

  • breaks his promises


Choose the option that describes the meaning of the underlined phrase or word.

I cannot put up with that nasty fellow.

  • appreciate

  • endure

  • control

  • forgive


Complete the following sentence by choosing the appropriate forms of verbs.

Will, you ________ a car, if you ________ any money?

  • have, didn't have

  • owned, hadn't

  • buy, don't have

  • have sold, had


Complete the following sentence by choosing the appropriate forms of verbs.

If the result of the admission test ________. today, she ________ a telegram.

  • will be announced, will send

  • was announced, would send

  • is announced, will send

  • declared, could send


Complete the following sentence by choosing the appropriate forms of verbs.

Mr Indrajeet Gupta ________ that he ________ truth to those people.

  • claims, spoke

  • claimed, had spoken

  • had claimed, had spoke

  • will claim, speak


Point out the correct sentence of the following.

  • He and I was very good friends once upon a time.

  • The committee was divided in their decision.

  • Every student should do one's duty.

  • Each boy and each girl has done their work.


Choose the correct word from the words given below.

We heard ________ of trumpets.

  • peal

  • pail

  • peel

  • pale


Fill the appropriate set of words in the given sentence

'The bridal ________ of my daughter will be _________ on 10th December.

  • performed, temporary

  • ceremony, temporary

  • ceremony, performed

  • performed, ceremony



Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition.

'She went ________ the park _______ a walk.'

  • for, to

  • to, with

  • to, on

  • to, for


to, for
