Which one of the following agricultural systems is described as "Child of Industrial Revolution" ?
Intensive subsistence tillage
Livestock ranching
Subsistence tillage
Collective farming
Diversified cropping system in subsistence agricultural system is governed by -
I. Local demand
II. Local resource base
III. Market forces
IV. Technological know-how
I, II and III are correct
I , II and IV are correct
II , III and IV are correct
I , III and IV are correct
How many agricultural systems in the world were recognised by Whittlesey ?
ASSERTION (A) : In temperate regions the grasslands have been converted into the fertile agricultural lands at places.
REASON (R) : Low temperatures in these lands make the rainfall more effective.
Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) explains (A).
Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) does not explain (A).
(A) is true , but (R) is false.
(A) is false , but (R) is true.
Who among the following was first to formulate the method of crop-combination ?
Modern concept of agricultural diversification is related to
Large number of crops
Value added crops
Monoculture crops
Ecologically most suitable crops
Which one of the following crop is used for large-scale supply and demand in international market ?
What is the focal theme of the agricultural revolution ?
Need for emphasis on traditional agriculture
Need for emphasis on the use of industrial mid-latitude technology
Need for modification in the techniques of Green Revolution
Need for development of unproductive lands
Need for modification in the techniques of Green Revolution
One of the hazards of the Green Revolution is
Multicrop agriculture
Use of machines
Small size of fields
Current research in agriculture is being oriented to
The development of new fertilizers and pesticides
Development of the varieties of seeds suitable for local conditions
Development of areas of Oxisols
Development of new machines