Assertion (A): K, Rb and Cs form superoxides.Reason (R): The stability of the superoxides increases from K to Cs due to decrease in lattice energy.The correct answer is | Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

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What is the value of electron gain enthalpy of Na if IE1 of Na = 5.1 eV?

  • -5.1 eV

  • -10.2 eV

  • +2.55 eV

  • +10.2eV



Assertion (A): K, Rb and Cs form superoxides.

Reason (R): The stability of the superoxides increases from 'K' to 'Cs' due to decrease in lattice energy.

The correct answer is

  • Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

  • Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)

  • (A) is true but (R) is not true

  • (A) is not true but (R) is true


(A) is true but (R) is not true

Superoxides are the species having an O-O bond and O in an oxidation state of -12  (superoxide ion is O2-). Usually these are formed by active metals such as KO2, RbO2 and CsO2. For the salts of larger anions (like O2-), lattice energy increases in a group. Since, lattice energy is the driving force for the formation of an ionic compound and its stability, the stability of the superoxides from 'K' to 'Cs' also increases.


Which one of the following order is correct for the first ionisation energies of the elements?

  • B <Be <N < O

  • Be <B <N < O

  • B <Be <O <N

  • B <O <Be <N


The oxidation number of oxygen in KO3, Na2O2 is

  • 3, 2

  • 1, 0

  • 0, 1

  • -0.33, -1


What is the fuel of atomic pile ?

  • Thorium

  • Sodium

  • Uranium

  • Petroleum


The maximum number of unpaired electrons is present in

  • Fe

  • Cu

  • Co

  • Ni


The pair, that is referred as 'chemical twins' is

  • Ac, Cf

  • Hf, Ta

  • Tc, Re

  • La, Ac


Ce4+ is stable. This is because of

  • half-filled d-orbitals

  • all paired electrons ind-orbitals

  • empty orbital

  • fully filled d-orbital


What is the orbital angular momentum of an electron in 'f'  orbital?

  • 1.5hπ

  • 6hπ

  • 3hπ

  • 3h2π


Fool's gold is

  • Cu2S

  • FeS2

  • Al2O5

  • CuFeS2
