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The minimum area of the triangle formed by any tangent to the ellipse ( x2/a2 ) + ( y2/b2 ) = 1 with the coordinate axes is

  • a2 + b2

  • ( a + b )2/2

  • ab

  • ( a - b )2/2


If the line lx + my - n = 0 will be a normal to the hyperbola, then a2l2 - b2m2 = a2 + b22k, where k is equal to

  • n

  • n2

  • n3

  • None of these


Equation of the chord of the hyperbola 25x2  - 16y2 = 400 which is bisected at the point (6, 2), is

  • 6x - 7y = 418

  • 75x - 16y = 418

  • 25x - 4y = 400

  • None of these


The centres of a set of circles, each of radius 3, lie on the circles x2 + y2 = 25. the locus of any point in the set is

  • 4  x2 +_y2  64

  • x2 + y2  25

  • x2 + y2  25

  • 3  x2 + y2  9


The angle of intersection of the circles x2 + y2 - x + y - 8 = 0 and x2 + y2 + 2x + 2y - 11 = 0 is

  • tan-1199

  • tan-119

  • tan-1919

  • tan-19


If a tangent having slope of - 43 to the ellipse x218 + y232 = 1 intersects the major and minor axes in points A and B respectively, then the area of OAB is equal to (O is centre of the ellipse)

  • 12 sq units

  • 48 sq units

  • 64 sq units

  • 24 sq units



The locus of mid-points of tangents intercepted between the axes of ellipse x2a2 + y2b2 = 1 will be

  • a2x2 + b2y2 = 1

  • a2x2 + b2y2 = 2

  • a2x2 + b2y2 = 3

  • a2x2 + b2y2 = 4


a2x2 + b2y2 = 4

Let mid-point of part PQ which is in between the axis is R (x1, y1), then coordinates of P and Q will be (2x1, 0)and (0, 2y1), respectively.

 Equation ofline PQ is x2x1 + y2y1 = 1or                               y = - y1x1x +2y1If this line touches the ellipse                     x2a2 + y2b2 = 1

then it will satisfy the condition,

          c2 = a2m2 + b2

i.e, 2y12 = a2- y1x12 + b2    4y12 = a2y12x12 +b2         4 = a2x12 +b2y12         a2x12 +b2y12 = 4 Required locus of(x1, y1) is                  a2x2 + b2y2 = 4


If PQ is a double ordinate of hyperbola (x2/a2) - (y2/b2) = 1 such that OPQ is a equilateral triangle, O being the centre of the hyperbola, then the eccentricity 'e' of the hyperbola satisfies

  • 1 < e < 2/√3

  • e = 2/√3

  • e = √3/2

  • e > 2/√3


The lines 2x - 3y - 5 = 0 and 3x - 4y = 7 are diameters of a circle of area 154 sq units, then the equation of the circle is

  • x2 + y2 + 2x - 2y - 62 = 0

  • x2 + y2 + 2x - 2y - 47 = 0

  • x2 + y2 - 2x + 2y - 47 = 0

  • x2 + y2 - 2x + 2y - 62 = 0


The angle of depressions of the top and the foot of a chimney as seen from the top of a second chimney, which is 150 m high and standing on the same level as the first are θ and ∅ respectively, then the distance between their tops when tan θ = 4/3 and tan ∅ = 5/2 is

  • 150/√3 m

  • 100√3 m

  • 150 m

  • 100 m
