If lines of regression are 3x+ 12y = 19 and 3y+ 9x = 46, then value of rxy will be | Statistics

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If two regression coefficients are found to be - 0.6 and -1.4, the correlation coefficient will be

  • 0.92

  • 0.43

  • - 0.43

  • - 0.92


The iteration formula xn + 1 = xnfxnf'xn is commonly known as

  • Bisection method

  • Newton-Raphson method

  • False-positions method

  • None of the above


The coefficient of correlation between x and y is 0.8, whereas the regression coefficient of y on x is 0.2, then the
regression coefficient of x on y will be

  • - 3.2

  • 3.2

  • 4

  • 0.16


If the variance oftwo variables x and y are respectively 9 and 16 and covariance is 8, then the coefficient of correlation between x and y will be

  • 23

  • 832

  • 982

  • 29


If one line ofregression coefficient is less than unity, then the other will be

  • less than unity

  • equal to unity

  • greater than unity

  • All of these



If lines of regression are 3x+ 12y = 19 and 3y+ 9x = 46, then value of rxy will be

  • 0.289

  • - 0.289

  • 0.209

  • None of these


- 0.289

Let the line of regression ofy on x be3x + 12y =19or y = - 3x + 1912       ...iand x on y be    x = - 3y + 469      ...ii . Regression coefficient of y on x is  byx = - 312 = - 14and regression coefficient of x on y is  bxy = - 39 = - 13 Correlation rxy = byx × bxy

(here, we take negative sign outside the square root, because both regression coefficients are negative)

     = - - 14 × - 13= - 112= - 0.083 = - 0.289



Two lines of regressions are given by x + 2y - 5 = 0 and 2x + ky - 8 = 0. If σx2 = 12 and σy2 = 4, then the value of k is

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4


If both the coefficients of regression between x and y are 0.8 and 0.2, then the coefficient of correlation between them will be

  • 0.4

  • 0.6

  • 0.3

  • 0.5


If the angle between two lines of regression is θ, then the value of θ will be

  • tan-1byx - 1bxy1 + bxybyx

  • tan-1byx - bxy - 1bxy + byx

  • tan-1bxy - 1byx1 + bxybyx

  • tan-1byx - bxy1 + bxy . byx


If two lines of regression are 3x + 12y = 19 and 9x + 3y = 46, then the value of rxy will be

  • 0.289

  • - 0.289

  • 0.209

  • None of these
