When two springs A and B with force constants kA and kB are stretched by the same force, then the respective ratio of the work done on them is  | Work, Energy and Power

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When two springs A and B with force constants kA and kB are stretched by the same force, then the respective ratio of the work done on them is 

  • kB : kA

  • kA : kB

  • k: kB : 1

  • kB : kA


kB : kA

We know that force applied,

     F = k . x

          W = F. x2  W = F . F2 . k = F22k

In the first condition,

          W1 = F22 kA            ........ (i)

In the second condition,

          W2 = F22 kB              ......... (ii)

On dividing Eq. (i) by Eq. (ii), we get

               W1W2 = F22 kA × 2 kBF2W1W2 = kBkA 


In elastic collision

  • both momentum and kinetic energy are conserved

  • neither momentum nor kinetic energy is conserved

  • only momentum is conserved

  • only kinetic energy is conserved


A spring stores 1 J of energy for a compression of 1 mm. The additional work to be done to compress it further by 1 mm is

  • 1 J

  • 2 J

  • 3 J

  • 4 J


A crate is pushed horizontally with 100 N across a 5 m floor. If the frictional force between the crate and the floor is 40 N, then the kinetic energy gained by the crate is

  • 200 J

  • 240 J

  • 250 J

  • 300 J


An engine pumps out water continuously through a hose with a velocity v. If m is the mass per unit length of the water jet, the rate at which the kinetic energy is imparted to water is

  • 12 mv2

  • 12 mv3

  • 12 m2v2

  • mv3


The radiating power of a linear antenna of length l for a wave of wavelength is proportional to

  • lλ

  • l2λ2

  • 1λ2

  • 1λ


The position of a particle of mass 4 g, acted upon by a constant force is given by x = 4 t2, where x is in metre and t in second. The work done during the first 2 s is

  • 128 mJ

  • 512 mJ

  • 576 mJ

  • 144 mJ


The shape of the curve representing the relation between the speed and kinetic energy of a moving object is

  • parabola

  • ellipse

  • straight line with positive slope

  • straight line with negative slope


A force 4i^ + j^ - 2k^ N acting on a body maintains its velocity at 2i^ + 2j^ + 3k^ ms-1. The power exerted is

  • 4 W

  • 5 W

  • 2 W

  • 8 W


Energy required to break one bond in DNA is

  • 10-10 J

  • 10-18 J

  • 10-7 J

  • 10-20 J
