Which of the following has the highest bond order? | Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure

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Which one of the following statements is correct?

  • Hybrid orbitals do not form σ bonds.

  • Lateral overlap of p-orbitals or p- and d-orbitals produces π-bonds.

  • The strength of bonds follows the order-

    σp-p < σs-sπp-p

  • s-orbitals do not form σ bonds.


Which of the following is a proper match?
r+r- Shape
A. 0.115 - 0.225 i. Triangular
B. 0.225 - 0.414 ii. Tetrahedral
C. 0.414 - 0.732 iii. Cubic
D. 0.732 - 1 iv. Octahedral

  • A - i; B - ii; C - iv; D - iii

  • A - iii; B - ii; C - iv; D - i

  • A - i; B - iii; C - ii; D - iv

  • A - ii; B - iv; C - i; D - iii


The correct order of increasing C-O bond length of CO, CO2 and CO32- is

  • CO32- < CO2 < CO

  • CO2 < CO32- < CO

  • CO < CO32- < CO2

  • CO < CO2 < CO32-


Which of the following represents the Lewis structure of N2 molecule?



Which of the following has the highest bond order?

  • N2

  • O2

  • He2

  • H2



Molecular orbital configuration ofN2 = 14e-= σ1s2, σ*1s2, σ2s2, σ*2s2,σ2px2, π2py2, π2pz2Bond order =Nb- Na2= 10-42=3similarly for O2 molecule, bond order = 2For He2 molecule, bond order = 0For H2 molecule bond oeder = 1So, N2 has highest bond order.


Peroxide ion ......
(i) has five completely filled antibonding molecular orbitals
(ii) is diamagnetic
(iii) has bond order one
(iv) is isoelectronic with neon
Which one of these is correct?

  • (ii) and (iii)

  • (i), (ii) and (iv)

  • (i), (ii) and (iii)

  • (i) and (iv)


Which of the following is diamagnetic?

  • H2+

  • He2+

  • O2

  • N2


C-H bond energy is about 101 kcal/ mol for methane, ethane and other alkanes but is only 77 kcal/ mol for C-H bond of CH3 in toluene. This is because :

  • of inductive effect due to -CH3 in toluene

  • of the presence of benzene ring in toluene

  • of resonance among the structures of benzyl radical in toluene

  • aromaticity of toluene


Which one of the following does not have sp2 hybridised carbon ?

  • Acetone

  • Acetic acid

  • Acetonitrile

  • Acetamide


The C-O-H bond angle in ethanol is nearly

  • 90°

  • 104°

  • 120°

  • 180°
