The correct order of decreasing dipole moment of (I) toluene, (II) m-dichlorobenzene (III) o-dichlorobenzene and (IV) p-dichlorobenzene is | Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


The molecule having zero dipole moment is

  • CH2Cl2

  • BF3

  • NF3

  • ClF3


Which of the following shell, form an outer octahedral complex?

  • d4

  • d8

  • d6

  • None of these


The calculated bond order in O2- ions is

  • 1

  • 1.5

  • 2

  • 2.5



The correct order of decreasing dipole moment of (I) toluene, (II) m-dichlorobenzene (III) o-dichlorobenzene and (IV) p-dichlorobenzene is

  • IV < II < I < III

  • IV < I < II < III

  • I < IV < II < III

  • IV < I < III < II


IV < I < II < III

Dipole moment of p-dichlorobenzene is zero, while that of o-dichlorobenzene is 2.54 D and for m-dichlorobenzene is 1.48 D. This shows that benzene ring is planar and in p-C6H4Cl2 two C-Cl bonds are directed in the plane of the ring, thus on adding, they becomes zero. In this, two C-Cl bonds contain an angle of 60° and in m- C6H4Cl2 the two C-Cl bonds contain an angle of 120° and their dipole moments on vector addition give a higher value of dipole moment.

Therefore, sequence of dipole moment is as follows:

p-dichlorobenzene < toulene < m-dichlorobenzene < o-dichlorobenzene


Among the following compounds of boron, the species which also forms π-bond in addition to σ-bonds is

  • BH3

  • B2H6

  • BF3

  • BF4-


How many bonds are there in

  • 18σ, 8π

  • 19σ, 4π

  • 14σ, 2π

  • 14σ, 8π


Match the following
List I List II
(a) PCl3 (i) Square planar
(b) BF3 (ii) T-shape
(c) ClF3 (iii) Trigonal pyramidal
(d) XeF4 (iv) See- saw
  (v) Trigaonal planar

  • (a)    (b)  (c)  (d)
    (iv)   (ii)   (i)    (iii)

  • (a)    (b)   (c)    (d)
    (iii)   (v)   (ii)    (iv)

  • (a)  (b)    (c)   (d)
    (iii)   (v)   (ii)   (i)

  • (a)   (b)   (c)    (d)
    (iii)   (v)   (ii)   (v)
