Consider the system of equations x + y + z = 0, αx + βy + γz = 0 and α2x + β2y + γ2z = 0. Then, the system of equations has | Determinants

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Let A = x + 23x3x + 2, B = x05x + 2, Then all solutions of equation det(AB) = 0 is

  • 1, - 1, 0, 2

  • 1, 4, 0, - 2

  • 1, - 1, 4, 3

  • - 1, 4, 0, 3


The value of det A, where

A = A = 1cosθ0- cosθ1cosθ- 1- cosθ1, lies

  • in the closed interval [1, 2]

  • in the closed interval [0, 1]

  • in the open interval (0, 1)

  • in the open interval (1, 2)


The points (- a, - b), (a, b), (0, 0) and (a, ab), a  0, b  0 are always

  • collinear

  • vertices of a parallelogram

  • vertices of a rectangle

  • lie on a circle


The number of distinct real roots of

sinxcosxcosxcosxsinxcosxcosxcosxsinx = 0 in the interval - π4 x  π4 is

  • 0

  • 2

  • 1

  • > 2


If f : 0, π/2  R is defined asf(θ) = 1tanθ1- tanθ1tanθ- 1- tanθ1 Then, the range of f is

  • 2, 

  • (-, - 2]

  • [2, )

  • (- , 2]


If a is an imaginary cube root of unity, then the value of the determinant

1 + ww2- w1 + w2w- w2w + w2w- w2 is

  • - 2w

  • - 3w2

  • - 1

  • 0


Let n  2 be an integer,

A = cos2π/3sin2π/n0- sin2π/ncos2π/n0001 and I is the identity matrix of order 3. Then,

  • An = I and An - 1  I

  • Am  I for any positive integer m

  • A is not invertible 

  • Am = 0 for a positive integer m 


The value of determinant

1 + a2 - b22ab- 2b2ab1 - a2 + b22a2b- 2a1 - a2 - b2 is

  • 0

  • (1 + a+ b2)

  • (1 + a2 + b2)2

  • (1 + a2 + b2)3



Consider the system of equations x + y + z = 0, αx + βy + γz = 0 and α2x + β2y + γ2z = 0. Then, the system of equations has

  • a unique solution for all values of α, β and γ

  • infinite number of solutions, if any two of α, β, γ are equal.

  • a unique solution, if α, β and γ are distinct

  • more than one, but finite number of solutions depending on values of α, β and γ


infinite number of solutions, if any two of α, β, γ are equal.


a unique solution, if α, β and γ are distinct

Given system of equations is

x + y + z = 0αx + βy + γz = 0α2x + β2y + γ2z = 0

The coefficient matrix, A = 111αβγα2β2γ2

Now, A = 111αβγα2β2γ2 = α - ββ - γγ - α

(i) The system of equations has a unique solution, if α, β and γ are distinct

i.e., A  0

(ii) The system of equatiosn has a infinite solutions, if any two of α, β and γ are equal

i.e., A = 0


If P = 121131, Q = PPT, then the value of the determinant of Q is

  • 2

  • - 2

  • 1

  • 0
