A uniformly charged solid sphere of radius R has potential V0 (measured with respect to ∞) on its surface. For this sphere, the equipotential surfaces with potentials 3Vo/2, 5Vo/4, 3V/4 and Vo/4 have radius R1, R2,R3 and R4 respectively. Then | Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance

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A combination of capacitors is set up as shown in the figure. The magnitude of the electric field, due to a point charge Q (having a charge equal to the sum of the charges on the 4 µF and 9 µF capacitors), at a point distant 30 m from it, would equal:

  • 240N/C

  • 360N/C

  • 420N/C

  • 420N/C




A uniformly charged solid sphere of radius R has potential V0 (measured with respect to ) on its surface. For this sphere, the equipotential surfaces with potentials 3Vo/2, 5Vo/4, 3V/4 and Vo/4 have radius R1, R2,R3 and R4 respectively. Then

  • R1 = 0 and R2>(R4-R3)

  • R1≠0 and (R2-R1)>(R4-R3)

  • R1 = 0 and R2<(R4-R3)

  • R1 = 0 and R2<(R4-R3)


R1 = 0 and R2<(R4-R3)

The potential at the surface of the charged sphere.

straight V subscript 0 space equals space KQ over straight R
straight V space equals space KQ over straight r comma straight r space greater or equal than space straight R
equals space fraction numerator KQ over denominator 2 straight R cubed end fraction left parenthesis 3 straight R squared minus straight r squared right parenthesis semicolon space straight r less or equal than straight R
straight V subscript centre space equals space Vc space equals space fraction numerator KQ over denominator 2 straight R cubed end fraction straight x 3 straight R squared space equals space fraction numerator 2 KQ over denominator 2 straight R end fraction space space fraction numerator 3 straight V subscript 0 over denominator 2 end fraction
As potential decreases for outside points. Thus, according to the question, we can write

straight V subscript straight R subscript 2 end subscript space equals fraction numerator 5 straight V subscript straight o over denominator 4 end fraction space equals fraction numerator KQ over denominator 2 straight R cubed end fraction left parenthesis 3 straight R squared minus straight R subscript 2 superscript 2 right parenthesis
fraction numerator 5 straight V subscript 0 over denominator 4 end fraction space space equals space fraction numerator straight V subscript 0 over denominator 2 straight R squared end fraction left parenthesis 3 straight R squared minus straight R subscript 2 superscript 2 right parenthesis
or space 5 over 2 space equals space 3 minus open parentheses straight R subscript 2 over straight R close parentheses squared
open parentheses straight R subscript 2 over straight R close parentheses squared space equals space 3 minus 5 over 2 space equals space 1 half
or space straight R subscript 2 space equals space fraction numerator straight R over denominator square root of 2 end fraction
straight V subscript straight R subscript 3 end subscript space equals space fraction numerator 3 straight V subscript 0 over denominator 4 end fraction
KQ over straight R subscript 3 space equals space 3 over 4 space straight x space KQ over straight R
or space
straight R subscript 3 space equals space 4 over 3 straight R
straight V subscript straight R subscript 4 end subscript space equals space KQ over straight R subscript 4 space equals space straight V subscript 0 over 4
KQ over straight R subscript 4 space equals space 1 fourth straight x KQ over straight R
straight R subscript 4 space equals space 4 straight R



In the given circuit, charge Q2 on the 2 μF capacitor changes as C is varied from 1 μF to 3 μF.  Q2 as a function of ‘C’ is given properly by : (figures are drawn schematically and are not to scale)



Assume that an electric field straight E equals space 30 space straight x squared space straight i with hat on top exists in space. Then the potential difference VA – VO, where VO is the potential at the origin and VA the potential at x = 2 m is:

  • 120 J

  • -120 J

  • -80 J

  • -80 J



A parallel plate capacitor is made of two circular plates separated by a distance of 5 mm and with a dielectric of dielectric constant 2.2 between them. When the electric field in the dielectric is 3 × 104 V/m, the charge density of the positive plate will be close to

  • 6 x 10-7 C/m2

  • 3  x 10-7 C/m2

  • 3 x 104 C/m2

  • 3 x 104 C/m2



Two capacitors C1 and C2 are charged to 120 V and 200 V respectively. It is found that by connecting them together the potential on each one can be made zero. Then

  • 5C1 = 3C2

  • 3C1 = 5C2

  • 3C1 = 5C2 = 0

  • 3C1 = 5C2 = 0



The figure shows an experimental plot for discharging of a capacitor in an R-C circuit. The time constant τ of this circuit lies between

  • 150 sec and 200 sec

  • 0 and 50 sec

  • 50 sec and 100 sec

  • 50 sec and 100 sec



A fully charged capacitor C with initial charge q0 is connected to a coil of self inductance L at t = 0. The time at which the energy is stored equally between the electric and the magnetic fields is

  • straight pi over 4 square root of LC
  • 2 straight pi space square root of LC
  • square root of LC
  • square root of LC


The electrostatic potential inside a charged spherical ball is given by Φ = ar2 + b where r is the distance from the centre; a,b are constants. Then the charge density inside the ball is

  • -6aε0r

  • -24πaε0

  • -6aε0

  • -6aε0



Let C be the capacitance of a capacitor discharging through a resistor R. Suppose t1 is the time taken for the energy stored in the capacitor to reduce to half its initial value and t2 is the time taken for the charge to reduce to one–fourth its initial value. Then the ratio t1/t2 will be

  • 1

  • 1/2

  • 1/4

  • 1/4

