The following reactions take place in the blast furnace in the preparation of impure iron. Identify the reaction pertaining to the formation of the slag. | General Principles And Processes of Isolation Of Elements

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The following reactions take place in the blast furnace in the preparation of impure iron. Identify the reaction pertaining to the formation of the slag.

  • Fe2O3 (s) + 3CO(g)  2Fe(l)+ 3CO2(g)

  • CaCO3(s)  CaO(s)+ CO2(g)

  • CaO(s) + SiO2(s)  CaSiO3(s)

  • 2C(s) + O2(g)  2CO(g)


CaO(s) + SiO2(s)  CaSiO3(s)

A slag is an easily fusible material which is formed when gangue still present in the roasted or the calcined ore combines with the flux. For example, in the metallurgy of iron, CaO (flux) combines with silica gangue to form easily fusible calcium silicate (CaSiO3) slag.

                        CaO + SiO2  CaSiO3 (slag)


Consider the following equation, which represents a reaction in the extraction of chromium from its ore

2Fe2O3·Cr2O3 + 4Na2CO3 +3O2  2Fe2O3+ 4Na2CrO4+ 4CO2

Which one of the following statements about the oxidation states of the substances is correct?

  • The iron has been reduced from +3 to + 2 state.

  • The chromium has been oxidised from +3 to +6 state.

  • The carbon has been oxidised from +2 to +4 state.

  • There is no change in the oxidation state of the substances in the reaction.


Dipping iron article into a strongly alkaline solution of sodium phosphate

  • does not affect the article

  • From  Fe2O3·xH2O on the surface

  • forms iron phosphate film

  • forms ferric hydroxide


Apatite is an ore of

  • fluorine

  • chlorine

  • bromine

  • Iodine


Which of the following electrolytes is least effective in causing flocculation of ferric hydroxide sol?

  • K2[Fe(CN)6]

  • K2CrO4

  • KBr

  • K2SO4


To dissolve argentite ore which of the following is used?

  • Na[Ag(CN)2]

  • NaCN

  • NaCl

  • HCl


Calamine is

  • CaCO3

  • MgCO3

  • ZnCO3

  • CaCO3 + CaO


The purest zinc is made by

  • electrolytic refining

  • zone refining

  • the van Arkel method

  • the Mond process


German silver does not contain

  • Sn

  • Cu

  • Zn

  • Ni


TiI4  on heating gives 

  • TiI2 + I2

  • Ti + 2I2

  • TiI3+ 1/2 I2

  • None of these
