The vectors AB = 3i + 5j + 4k and AC = 5i - 5j + 2k are side of a ∆ABC. The length ofthe median through A is | Vector Algebra

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Three forces of magnitudes 1, 2 and 3 dynes meet in a point and act along diagonals of three adjacent faces of a cube. The resultant force is

  • 114 dynes

  • 6 dynes

  • 5 dynes

  • None of the above



The vectors AB = 3i + 5j + 4k and AC = 5i - 5j + 2k are side of a ABC. The length ofthe median through A is

  • 13 units

  • 25 units

  • 5 units

  • 10 units


5 units

Position vector of AD     = 3 + 5i + 5 - 5j + 4 + 2k2

        AD = 8i +6k2 = 4i + 3k Length of median = AD                                 = 16 + 9 = 5 units


Let a = 2i + j + k, b = i + 2j - 1, and a unit vector c be caplanar. If c is perpendicular to a, then c is

  • 12- j  + k

  • 13- i - j - k

  • 15i - 2j

  • 13i - j  - k


The area of a parallelogram whose adjacent sides are represented by the vectors a = - i^ - 2j^ - 3k^ and b = - i^ + 2j^ - 3k^ is

  • 14

  • 6

  • 4936

  • 410


The resultant of two forces of 3 kg-wt and 4 kg-wt which are inclined at 30° angles to each other is

  • 25 + 63

  • 25 + 123

  • 37

  • 13


Let two like parallel forces are acting, at points A and B such that the force at A is double than the force at B. If C is the point of action ofthe resultant, then AC/BC is

  • 2

  • 1/2

  • 1/3

  • 1/4


Let a, b and c represent vector quantities. Which of the following points are collinear?

  • a - 2b + 3c, 2a + 3b - 4c, - 7b + 10c

  • - 2a + 3b + 5c, a + 2b + 3c, 7a - c

  • a, b, 3a - 2b

  • a + b - c, 3a - 4c, 2a + b + 3c


The values of λ and μ for which the vectors a = 2i^ + λj^ - k^ is perpendicular to the vector b = 3i^ + j^ + μk^ with a = b are

  • λ = 4112, μ = 3112

  • λ = 4112, μ = - 3112

  • λ = - 4112, μ = 3112

  • None of these


At a point the addition of two active force is 18 N. If the magnitude of resultant is 12 N and meet at right angle. Then, magnitude of forces are

  • 5 N, 13 N

  • 6N, 12 N

  • 8 N, 10 N

  • None of these


The angle between two active forces P + Q and P  - Q is 2α. If their resultant make angle θ with bisector of angle. Then

  • Pcosθ = Qcosα

  • Ptanθ = Qtanα

  • Qcosθ = Pcosα

  • Qtanθ = Ptanα
