The density of a substance  at  0°C  is 10 g/cc and at  100° C, its density is  9.7  g/cc. The coefficient of linear expansion of the substance is | Thermodynamics

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The density of a substance  at  0°C  is 10 g/cc and at  100° C, its density is  9.7  g/cc. The coefficient of linear expansion of the substance is

  • 10-4

  • 102

  • 10-3

  • 102



Initial temperature ( T) = 0o C

Initial density ( ρ1 ) = 10 g/cc

Final temperature ( T2 ) = 100oC

Final density ( ρ2 )  = 9.7 g/cc

Coefficient of volumetric expansion

      ( αv )  =  ρρ1 × T

                = ρ1 - ρ2ρ1  T2 - T1 

                = 10 - 9.710 100 - 0

                = 0.31000

         αv = 3 × 10-4

Therefore linear coefficient of linear expansion


            = 3 × 10-43

      α1 = 10-4


The latent heat of vapourisation of water is  2240. If the work done in the process of vapourisation of 1 g is 168 J, then increase in internal energy is

  • 2408 J

  • 2072 J

  • 2240 J

  • 1904 J


An engine is working. It takes 100 calories of heat from source and leaves 80 calories of heat to sink. If the temperature of source is 127°C, then temperature of sink is

  • 147°C

  • 47°C

  • 100°C

  • 47 K


The heat produced in a long wire is characterized by resistance, current and time through which the current passes. If the errors in measuring these quantities are respectively 1 %, 2% and 1%, then the total error in calculating the energy produced is

  • 4%

  • 6%

  • 4/3 %

  • 8%


Anatomy and Bismuth are usually used in thermocouple, because

  • a constant e..m.f is produced

  • higher thermo e.m.f is produced

  • a negative e.m.f is produced

  • lower thermo e.m.f is produced


A Carnot engine takes heat from a reservoir at 627° C and rejects heat to a sink at 27° C. Its efficiency will be

  • 3/5

  • 1/3

  • 2/3

  • 200/209


A Carnot's engine operates with source at 127°C and sink at 27°C. If the source supplies· 40 kJ of heat energy, the work done by the engine is

  • 30 kJ

  • 10 kJ

  • 4 kJ

  • 1 kJ


The velocity of sound in air at NTP is 330 m/s. What will be its value when the temperature is doubled and pressure is halved?

  • 330 m/s

  • 165 m/s

  • 3302 m/s

  • 3302m/s


Two gases A and B at same pressure contain a number of moles n1 and n2. Their volume temperature graphs are shown in the figure. Then the ratio n1/n2

  • 1

  • 1/2

  • 1/3

  • 3


The figure shows a P-V diagram. How does the work done in the process change with time?

  • First decreases and then increases

  • First increases and then decreases

  • Continuously decreases

  • Continuously increases
