A patient is generally advised to specially, consume more meat, lentils, milk and eggs in diet only when he suffers from | Human Health and Disease

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Streptomycin is obtained from

  • Streptomyces griseus

  • S. aureofaciens

  • S. venezuelae

  • S. ramosus


Yersinia pestis is responsible for

  • syphilis

  • whooping cough

  • plague

  • leprosy


Schizogony occurs in 

  • RBC of human

  • intestine of parasite

  • liver of human

  • liver of parasite


Retrovirus have genetic material

  • DNA only

  • RNA only

  • DNA or RNA only

  • either DNA or RNA


Lymphocytes are formed by

  • plasma cells 

  •  mast cells

  • liver cells

  • none of these


Which insect is useful for us

  • Periplaneta

  •  Musca

  • Bombyx

  • Mosquitoes



A patient is generally advised to specially, consume more meat, lentils, milk and eggs in diet only when he suffers from

  • kwashiorkor

  • rickets

  • anaemia

  • scurvy



Kwashiorkor is a form of protein malnutrition. It occurs commonly in children who have low amount of protein intake in their diet.

Rickets is a bone disorder caused by a deficiency of Vitamin D, Calcium or Phosphate. Main source of this disease are fish liver and processed milk including moderate amount of sunlight is encouraged.

Anemia is a condition in which there is a deficiency of red cells or of haemoglobin in the blood. Main food sources are green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits etc.

Scurvy is a disease resulting from lack of Vitamin C. It can be prevented by taking amla, bell peppers, blackcurrants, broccoli etc.


AIDS is caused by HIV that principally infects

  • all lymphocytes

  • activator B cells

  • T4 lymphocytes

  • cytotoxic T cells


Which group of three of the following five statements (A- E) contain is all three correct statements regarding beri- beri?

A. A crippling disease prevalent among the native population of sub- Sahara Africa.

B. A deficiency disease caused by lack of thiamine (vitamin- B1).

C. A nutritional disorder in infants and young children when the diet is persistently deficient in essential protein.

D. Occurs in those countries where the staple diet is polished rice.

E. The symptoms are pain from neuritis, paralysis, muscle wasting, progressive oedema, mental deterioration and finally heart failure.

  • A, B and D

  • B, C and E

  • A, C and E

  • B, D and E


The larvicidial fish used in biocontrol of mosquitoes

  • Gambusia

  • Hilsa

  • Scatophagus

  • Gold fish
