Which is the correct sequence of arrangement of types of WBC in decreasing order in terms of number per mm3 of human blood | Human Health and Disease

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Tuberculosis is caused by

  • Mycobacterium sp.

  • Aspergillus sp.

  • Clostridium sp.

  • Vibrio sp.


Which of the following is related to humoral immunity?

  • T- lymphocyte

  • B- lymphocyte

  • I- lymphocyte

  • P- lymphocyte



Which is the correct sequence of arrangement of types of WBC in decreasing order in terms of number per mm3 of human blood

  • Eosinophils > Basophils > Neutrophils

  • Basophils > Eosinophils > Neutrophils

  • Neutrophils > Eosinophils > Basophils

  • Eosinophils > Neutrophils > Basophils


Neutrophils > Eosinophils > Basophils

There are five main types of WBCs. They are: Neutrophils, Eosinophils, Basophils, Lymphocytes, and Monocytes. Neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils are also called granulocytes because they have granules in their cells that contain digestive enzymes.


In AIDS, HIV kills

  • Antibody molecule

  • T-helper cell

  • Bone-marrow cells

  • T-cytotoxic cell


Which one of the following immunoglobulins is found as pentamer?

  • IgG

  • IgM

  • IgA

  • IgE


A female Anopheles mosquito can be recognised by

  • proboscis and palpi are long and more or less of equal length

  • proboscis long and palpi short

  • proboscis short and palpi long

  • Both proboscis and palpi are short


The anterior V-spot in microfilaria of Wuchereria represents

  • nerve ring

  • cervical papilla

  • excretory system

  • reproductive system


Which stage of malarial parasite is infective to man?

  • Gametocyte

  • Merozoite

  • Cryptomerozoite

  • Sporozoite


Which one of the following life cycle stages of Wuchereria bancrofti is infective to man?

  • Microfilaria

  • 1st stage larva

  • 2nd stage larva

  • 3rd stage larva


Which one of the following life cycle stages of malarial parasite is responsible for relapse of malarial symptoms?

  • Merozoite

  • Sporozoite

  • Hypnozoite

  • Gametocyte
