A magnetic needle suspended parallel to a magnetic field requires  J of work to turn it through  60o. The torque needed to maintain the needle in this position will be | Moving Charges And Magnetism

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A particle of unit mass and specific charge s is thrown from the wall perpendicularly to a wall at a distance d from the wall with speed 'v'. The minimum magnetic field produced so that the particle does not touch the wall, is:

  • vsd

  • 2vsd

  • v2sd

  • v4sd


A long straight wire of radius a carries a steady current I. The current is uniformly distributed over its cross-section. The ratio of the magnetic fields B and B' at radial distances straight a over 2 and 2a respectively, from the axis of the wire is,

  • 1 half
  • 1

  • 4

  • 4




A magnetic needle suspended parallel to a magnetic field requires square root of 3 J of work to turn it through  60o. The torque needed to maintain the needle in this position will be

  • 2 square root of 3 space straight J
  • 3 J

  • square root of 3 space J
  • square root of 3 space J


3 J

In this case, work done



The ratio of amplitude of magnetic field to the amplitude of electric field for an electromagnetic wave propagating in vacuum is equal to

  • the speed of light in vacuum

  • the reciprocal of the speed of light in vacuum

  • the ratio of magnetic permeability to the electric susceptibility of vacuum

  • the ratio of magnetic permeability to the electric susceptibility of vacuum



Two similar coils of radius R are lying concentrically with their planes at right angles to each other. The currents flowing in them are I and 2I, respectively. The resultant magnetic field induction at the centre will be

  • fraction numerator square root of 5 straight mu subscript straight o straight I over denominator 2 straight R end fraction
  • fraction numerator 3 straight mu subscript straight o straight I over denominator 2 straight R end fraction
  • fraction numerator straight mu subscript straight o straight I over denominator 2 straight R end fraction
  • fraction numerator straight mu subscript straight o straight I over denominator 2 straight R end fraction


An electric dipole of moment p is placed in an electric field of intensity E. The dipole acquires a position such that the axis of the dipole makes an angle θ with the direction of the field. Assuming that the potential energy of the dipole to be zero when θ =90o, the torque and the potential energy of the dipole will respectively be

  • pE sin θ, pE cos θ

  • pE sin θ,-2pE cos θ

  • pE sin θ, 2 pE cos θ

  • pE sin θ, 2 pE cos θ



A wire loop is rotated in a magnetic field. The frequency of change of direction of the induced emf is

  • one per revolution

  • twice per revolution

  • four times per revolution

  • four times per revolution



The electric and the magnetic field, associated with an electromagnetic wave, propagating along the +z - axis, can be represented by

  • left square bracket bold E space equals space straight E subscript straight o bold k with hat on top comma space bold B space equals space straight B subscript straight o space bold i with hat on top right square bracket
  • left square bracket bold E space equals space straight E subscript straight o bold j with hat on top comma space bold B space equals space straight B subscript straight o space bold j with hat on top right square bracket
  • left square bracket bold E space equals space straight E subscript straight o bold j with hat on top comma space bold B space equals space straight B subscript straight o space bold k with hat on top right square bracket
  • left square bracket bold E space equals space straight E subscript straight o bold j with hat on top comma space bold B space equals space straight B subscript straight o space bold k with hat on top right square bracket


A proton and an alpha particle both enter a region of uniform magnetic field B, moving at angles to the field B. If the radius of circular orbits for both the particles is equal and the kinetic energy acquired by proton is 1 MeV, the energy acquired by the alpha particle will be

  • 4 MeV

  • 0.5 Mev

  • 1.5 MeV

  • 1.5 MeV



Two metal wires of identical dimensions are connected in series if σ1a nd σ2 are the conductivity of the metal wires respectively, the conductivity of the combination is 

  • fraction numerator 2 straight sigma subscript 1 straight sigma subscript 2 over denominator straight sigma subscript 2 space plus straight sigma subscript 2 end fraction
  • fraction numerator straight sigma subscript 1 space plus straight sigma subscript 2 over denominator 2 space straight sigma subscript 1 straight sigma subscript 2 end fraction
  • fraction numerator straight sigma subscript 1 space plus straight sigma subscript 2 over denominator straight sigma subscript 1 straight sigma subscript 2 end fraction
  • fraction numerator straight sigma subscript 1 space plus straight sigma subscript 2 over denominator straight sigma subscript 1 straight sigma subscript 2 end fraction
