In a type of apomixis known as adventive embryony, embryos develop directly from the | Sexual Reproduction in flowering Plants

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An orthotropus ovule is one in which micropyle and chalaza are

  •  in straight line of funiculus

  • parallel of funiculus

  • at right angles to funiculus

  • oblique to funiculus



In a type of apomixis known as adventive embryony, embryos develop directly from the

  • nucellus or integuments

  • synergids or antipodals in an embryo sac

  • accessory embryo sacs in the ovule

  • zygote


nucellus or integuments

Apomixis does not involve gamete formation and fertilization is found in amphimixis. Adventive embryo formation is a type of apomixis in which embryos are formed from diploid integumental or nucellar cells.


Through which cell of the embryo sac, does the pollen tube enter the embryo sac?

  • Egg cell

  • Central cell

  • Persistant synergid

  • Degenerated synergid


Which one of the following represents an ovule, where the embryo sac becomes horse-shoe shaped and the funiculus and micropyle are close to each other?

  • Circinotropous

  • Anatropous

  • Amphitropous

  • Atropous


Double fertilisation was discovered by

  • Nawaschin

  • Starsburger

  • Emerson

  • None of the above


Among plants "pheromones" are secreted by the cells of the following plants for given function

  • all plants for growth and development

  • Yeast for facilitating mating

  • all fungi for sexual reproduction

  • Rhizopus for formation of zygospore


If the pollen tube enters the ovule through funiculus, the phenomenon is known as

  • porogamy

  • chalazogamy

  • mesogamy

  • heterogamy


Which of the following is the most resistant material in pollen grain

  • Sporopollenin

  • Intine

  • Exine

  • Certicle


For the formation of tetrasporic embryosac, how many megaspore mother cells are required?

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4


Double fertilization means

  • fusion of nucleus of male gamete with the egg nucleus

  • fusion of two polar nuclei

  • fusion of sperm nucleus with secondary nucleus

  • fusion of one sperm nucleus with nucleus and fusion of other sperm nucleus with secondary nucleus
