Assertion : The two cotyledons in the seed are often referred to as the embryonic leaves.Reason : The embryo contains radicle and plumule. | Sexual Reproduction in flowering Plants

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Xenia and metaxenia terms are related with

  • pollen culture

  • xylem and phloem

  • endosperm

  • embryo


Elater mechanism for seed dispersal is exhibited by

  • Riccia

  • Dryopteris

  • Funaria

  • Marchantia


Megasporophyll of Cycas has the same nature as

  • stamen

  • petal

  • sepal

  • carpel


When the filament runs throughout the length of anther, it is called

  • adnate

  • dorsi fixed

  • versatile

  • syngenesious


Assertion : The megaspore mother cell undergoes mitosis to produce four megaspores.

Reason : Megaspore mother cells and the megaspores are both haploid.

  • If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If both the assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If assertion is true but reason is false.

  • If both the assertion and reason are false.



Assertion : The two cotyledons in the seed are often referred to as the embryonic leaves.

Reason : The embryo contains radicle and plumule.

  • If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If both the assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If assertion is true but reason is false.

  • If both the assertion and reason are false.


If both the assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

In a typical angiospermic plant, cotyledons in the seed are the embryonic leaves. The radicle of the embryo upon the seed germination produces the root system and the plurnule produces the shoot system. The radicle and plumule are contained in the embryo.


During formation of which of the following free nuclear division occurs?

  • Flower

  • Endosperm

  • Gametes

  • Fruit


Which of the following feature(s) is/are common to both wind and water pollinated flowers?

I. Pollen grains are long and ribbon-like.

II. Stigma is large and feathery.

III. The flowers are not colourful.

IV. The flowers do not produce nectar.

  • III and IV only

  • II and III only

  • I and II only

  • II only

  • II only


Select the plants pollinated by water

(A) Water hyacinth

(B) Zostera

(C) Amorphophallus

(D) Vallisneria

(E) Yucca

  • (A), (D) and (E) only

  • (B) and (E) only

  • (B) and (D) only

  • (B), (C) and (D) only

  • (B), (C) and (D) only


Consider the following statements and choose the correct option

(A) The ovule is attached to the placenta by means of a stalk called filament

(B) The ovule fuses with the stalk in the region called hilum

(C) The two protective envelopes of ovule are called integuments

(D) The small opening in the tip of ovule is called germ pore

Of the above statements

  • (A) and (D) are correct

  • (A) and (C) are correct

  • (B) and (D) are correct

  • (B) and (C) are correct

  • (B) and (C) are correct
