Which of the following statement is not correct? | Surface Chemistry

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Which of the following statement is not correct?

  • Adsorption energy for chemical adsorption is generally greater than that of physical adsorption

  • Physical adsorption is due to van der Waal forces

  • Physical adsorption decreases at high temperature and low pressure

  • Physical adsorption is irreversible


Physical adsorption is irreversible

Among all the statements, statement d is incorrect. Physical adsorption is due to van der Waal's forces which are weak forces, hence this type of adsorption is reversible and not irreversible. 


Solvent loving colloids are known as

  • hydrophobic

  • lyophilic

  • hydrophilic

  • none of these


Freundlich adsorption isotherm gives a straight line on plotting:

  • xm vs p

  • log xm vs p

  • log xm vs log p

  • xm vs 1p


Arsenic sulphide sol is prepared by passing H2S through arsenic oxide solution. The charge developed on the particles is due to adsorption of :

  • H+

  • S2-

  • OH-

  • O2-


Which one of the following colloidal solution is positive sol?

  • Gelatin in strongly acidic solution

  • Smoke

  • Dlay soil

  • Blood


Gasoline is

  • C17H36 to C21H50

  • C7H24 to C14H34

  • C7H16 to C10H22

  • C3H8 to C6H14


A emulsifier is a substance which :

  • stabilises the emulsion

  • homogenises the emulsion

  • coagulates the emulsion

  • accelerates the dispersion of liquid in liquid


The coagulation of 200 mL of a positive colloid took place when 0.73 g HCl was added to it without changing the volume much. The flocculation value of HCl for the colloid is

  • 100

  • 36.5

  • 0.365

  • 150


Paints and hair creams are respectively

  • sol and emulsion

  • aerosol and foam

  • emulsion and sol

  • foam and gel.


Extent of adsorption of adsorbate from solution phase increases with :

  • increase in amount of adsorbate in solution

  • decrease in surface area of adsorbent

  • increase irtemperature of solution

  • decrease in amount of adsorbate in solution
