Assertion: Dehydration of alcohols always takes place in basic medium.Reason : OH- is a better leaving group. | alcohols, phenols and ethers

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Assertion: Dehydration of alcohols always takes place in basic medium.

Reason : OH- is a better leaving group.

  • If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion

  • If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion

  • If assertion is true but reason is false

  • If both assertion and reason are false.


If both assertion and reason are false.

Dehydration of alcohols can be carried out either with protonic acids such as conc. H2SO4, H3PO4 or catalysts such as anhydrous zinc chloride or alumina.


Assertion : Toluene in presence of UV rays forms benzaldehyde.

Reason : Dichlorotoluene is formed as an intermediate.

  • If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion

  • If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion

  • If assertion is true but reason is false

  • If both assertion and reason are false.


Assertion : p-Nitrophenol gives more electrophilic substituted compound than m-methoxyphenol.

Reason : Methoxy group shows only negative I-effect.

  • If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion

  • If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion

  • If assertion is true but reason is false

  • If both assertion and reason are false.


Which of the following compounds would not evolve CO2 when treated with NaHCO3 solution ?

  • salicylic acid

  • Phenol

  • anisole

  • phenyl benzoate


By heating phenol with chloroform in alkali , it is converted into :

  • salicylic acid

  • salicylaldehyde

  • anisole

  • phenyl benzoate


When a mixture of calcium benzoate and calcium acetate is dry distilled , the resulting compound is :

  • acetophenone

  • benzaldehyde

  • benzophenone

  • acetaldehyde


Cumene process is the most important commercial method for the manufacture of phenol. Cumene is

  • iso-propyl benzene

  • ethyl benzene

  • vinyl benzene

  • propyl benzene.


Which is used to obtain salicylic acid from phenol ?

  • CCl4

  • CHCl3


  • COCH3



When phenol reacts with phthalic anhydride in presence of H2SO4 and heated and hot reaction mixture is poured in NaOH solution, then product formed is

  • alizarin

  • methyl orange

  • fluorescein

  • phenolphthalein.
