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NEET Biology : Animal Kingdom

Multiple Choice Questions


The chitinous exoskeleton of arthropods is formed by the polymerisation of

  • Keratin sulphate and chondraitin sulphate

  • D-glucosamine

  • N-acetyl glucosamine

  • N-acetyl glucosamine


Which of the following features is not present in Periplaneta americana?

  • Indeterminate and radical cleavage during embryonic development

  • Exoskeleton composed of N-acetylglucosamine

  • Metamerically segmented body

  • Metamerically segmented body


A jawless fish, which lays eggs in fresh water and whose ammocoetes larvae after metamorphosis return to the ocean is:

  • Eptatretus

  • Myxine

  • Neomyxine

  • Neomyxine


Which one of the following characteristics is not shared by birds and mammals?

  • Breathing using lungs

  • Viviparity

  • Warm-blooded nature

  • Warm-blooded nature


Metagenesis refers to

  • Presence of different morphic forms

  • Alternation of generation between asexual and sexual phases of an organism

  • Occurrence of a drastic change in form during post-embyonic development

  • Occurrence of a drastic change in form during post-embyonic development


The eyes of Octopus and eyes of cat show different patterns of structure, yet they perform a similar function. This is an example of 

  • homologous organs that have evolved due to convergent evolution

  • homologous organs that have evolved due to divergent evolution

  • analogous organs that have evolved due to convergent evolution

  • analogous organs that have evolved due to convergent evolution


A senentary sea anemone gets attached to the shell lining of hermit crab. The association is 

  • ectoparasitism

  • symbiosis

  • commensalism

  • commensalism


Which of the following characteristic features always holds true for the corresponding group of animals?

  • Viviparous Mamalia
  • Posess a mouth with an upper and lower jaw Chordata
  • 3-chmbered heart with one incompletely divided ventricle Reptilia
  • Cartiliginous- endoskeleton Chondrichthyes


Which of the following features is not present in the phylum-Arthropoda?

  • Metameric segmentation

  • Parapodia

  • Jointed appendages

  • Jointed appendages


Five Kingdom system of classification suggested by RH Whittaker is not based on

  • presence or absence of a well-defined nucleus

  • mode of reproduction

  • Mode of nutrition

  • Mode of nutrition

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