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NEET Biology : Animal Kingdom

Multiple Choice Questions


Torsion of visceral mass is seen in animals belonging to the class

  • Cephalopoda

  • Scaphopoda

  • Amphineura

  • Gastropoda


Match the following columns.

Column I Column II
A. Pinocytosis 1. Euglena Gracillis
B. Hotozoic 2. Paramecium
C. Parasitic 3. Amoeba Proteus
D. Mixotrophic 4. Monocystis

  • A B C D
    3 2 4 1
  • A B C D
    2 3 4 1
  • A B C D
    4 3 1 2
  • A B C D
    1 4 2 3


Notochord originates from

  • Mesoderm

  • Ectoderm

  • Endoderm

  • None of these


An important characteristic that Hemichordates share with Chordates is

  • Absence of notochord

  • Ventral tubular nerve cord

  • Pharynx with gill slits

  • Pharynx with gill slits


Organ of Jacobson helps in

  • Touch

  • Vision

  • Smell

  • Hearing


Which of the following features is used to identify a male cockroach from a female cockroach?

  • Presence of a boat-shaped sternum on the 9th abdominal segment

  • Presence of caudal styles

  • Presence of anal cerci

  • Forewings with darker tegmina


Which of the following animals does not undergo metamorphosis?

  • Earthworm

  • Tunicate

  • Starfish

  • Moth


Which of the given option is correct regarding the statements?

Statement I: Cephalochordata bears notochord all along the body throughout life.

Statements II: Urochordate bears vertebral column only in the tail region throughout the life.

  • I wrong, II correct

  • I correct, II wrong

  • Both I and II are wrong

  • Both are correct


Which among these is the correct combination of aquatic mammals?

  • Seals, Dolphins, Sharks

  • Dolphins, Seals, Trygon

  • Whales, Dolphins, Seals

  • Whales, Dolphins, Seals


Which one of these animals is not a homeotherm?

  • Macropus

  • Chelone

  • Psittacula

  • Camelus

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