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NEET Biology : Biological Classification

Multiple Choice Questions


Besides paddy fields, cyanobacteria are also found inside vegetative part of

  • Pinus

  • Cycas

  • Equisetum

  • Psilotum


The metrics described by whittaker which takes into account the number of species and their eveness is

  • Shannon index

  • Beta diversity

  • Species richness

  • Simpson index


Study the following Coloumns and match correctly.

Column I Column II
A. Siphonogamy and  zooidogamy 1. Amphibians of plant kingdom
B. Living fossil 2. Arachis
C. Liverworts 3. Ginkgo
D. Double fertilisation

4. Cycas

5. Laminaria

The correct answer is

  • A - 4; B - 5; C - 2; D - 1

  • A - 2; B - 4; C - 1; D - 3

  • A - 4; B - 3; C - 2; D - 1

  • A - 4; B - 3; C - 1; D - 2


Which one of the following cocci appears like grapes under microscope?

  • Streptococci

  • Diplococci

  • Staphylococci

  • Pneumococci


Which of these components is/are not present in Gram negative bacteria?

  • Teichoic acid

  • Pseudomurein

  • Lipopolysaccharide

  • Mycolic acid


Which of the following are likely to be present in deep sea water?

  • Archaebacteria

  • Eubacteria

  • Blue-green algae

  • Saprophytic fungi


Pigment-containing memberanous extensions in some cyanobacteria are

  • heterocysts

  • basal bodies

  • pneumatophores

  • chromatophores


Which of the following statements is/are correct for transduction?

  • It is observed in Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria.

  • Bacteria should be in state of competence

  • Transfer of DNA by a bacteriophage takes place.

  • Packaging of both host and phage DNA takes place


Which of the following bacteria is observed as chain-like formation?

  • Escherichia coli

  • Bacillus subtilis

  • Streptococcus pyogenes

  • Micrococcus flavus


The heterocysts in the cyanobacterium are

  • site of photosynthesis

  • reserve food storage

  • enactive enzymes

  • nitrogen-fixation

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