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NEET Biology : Biomolecules

Multiple Choice Questions


Which ofthe following unsaturated fatty acid possess four double bond?

  • Arachidonic acid

  • Linolenic acid

  • Oleic acid

  • Linoleic acid


Identify the correct match from the type of amino acids and their respective example.

  • Neutral - Proline (Pro)

  • Acidic - Asparagine (Asn)

  • Aromatic - Tryptophan (Try)

  • S-containing - Methionine (met)


Polysaccharides, polypeptides and polynucleotides have in common that they all

  • contain amino acid

  • are formed in condensation reactions

  • contain nitrogen

  • come out in acid soluble pool


Which one of the followings is correct for the trans membrane proteins in lipid bilayer?

  • They are absent in animal cells

  • They act as channel proteins

  • They are absent in plant cells

  • They are only externally located


Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding the effects of pH on enzyme catalysed reactions?

  • Direction of the reaction is influenced by [H+]

  • Ionisation state of dissociating groups on the enzyme is modified

  • Ionisation state of the substrate is modified.

  • Protein is not denatured with the change in pH


Out of the given below statements describing the characteristics of various biomolecules, option for the incorrect one

  • Fatty acids have hydrocarbon chains that end in a carboxylic group

  • Starch consist of amylose and glycogen, which are formed by the condensation of α-D-glucose.

  • Cellulose is fibrous polysaccharide of high tensile strength.

  • Cutin is a complex lipid produced by cross-esterification and polymerisation of hydroxy fatty acids.


An allosteric inhibitor of the enzyme acts by binding to the

  • substrate

  • product

  • catalytic site of the enzyme

  • non-catalytic site of the enzyme


Which one of the following combination of all three fatty acids are essential for human beings?

  • Oleic acid, linoleic acid and linolenic acid

  • Palmitic acid, linoleic acid and arachidonic acid

  • Oleic acid, linoleic acid and arachidonic acid

  • Linoleic acid, linolenic acid and arachidonic acid


Which one from those given below represents the position of nitrogen in the 9-membered double rings of purines?

  • 2, 4, 6 and 8

  • 1, 3, 7 and 9

  • 1, 4, 8 and 9

  • 3, 5, 7 and 8


When all the active sites of the enzyme are occupied, how does increasing the substrate concentration affect the rate ofreaction?

  • The rate of reaction will slow down

  • The rate of reaction will become constant, and shows no increase

  • The rate of reaction will increase with increasing substrate concentration

  • The rate of reaction will become reactive in such condition

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