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NEET Biology : Body Fluids and Circulations

Multiple Choice Questions


Which of the following statements is incorrect?

  • Biotin is essential for metabolism of fats.

  • Calciferol is essential for maintaining levels of calcium and phosphorous in blood

  • Ascorbic acid is essential for normal clotting of blood.

  • Riboflavin is essential for releasing energy from food.


Elevated blood levels of certain enzymes suggest a related disease. Match the enzyme in column I with related disease in column II

Column I Column II
A. Amylase 1. Liver disease
B. Glutamate dehydrogenase 2. Myocardial infarction
C. Alkaline phosphatase 3. Liver or bone disease
D. Creatine kinase 4. Pancreatic disease

  • A - 1; B - 2; C - 3; D - 4

  • A - 4; B - 3; C - 2; D - 1

  • A - 3; B - 4; C - 1; D - 2

  • A - 4; B - 1; C - 3; D - 2


Which of the following is correctly matched?

  • Enlarged P-wave - Acute myocardial infarction

  • QRS wave flat - Atherosclerotic heart disease

  • Enlarged Q and A - wave-Myocardial infarction

  • Elevated S-T - Enlargement of atria


Statements I:- Buffer is a compound that destabilises the pH of solution by removing or releasing hydrogen ions.

Statement II:- Human blood has a buffer solution. Its pH is maintained by HCO3-, H+ ions and CO2 concentration.

Choose the correct option.

  • Statement I is correct but II is incorrect

  • Statement II is correct but I is incorrect

  • Both statement are correct

  • Both statement are incorrect


The disease characterised by high plasma Na+, low plasma K+ rise in blood volume and high blood pressure is

  • Cushing syndrome

  • Gull's disease

  • Aldosteronism

  • Adrenal Virilism


If a haemophilic carrier female marries a normal man, the chances are that

  • all the daughters will have haemophilia

  • 50% of the daughters will have haemophilia

  • 50% of the sons will have haemophilia

  • all the sons will have haemophilia


Clogging ofnarrowed vessels by blood clots is called

  • vasoconstriction

  • artherosclerosis

  • thrombosis

  • stroke


Which of the following is the correct sequence of development of erthrocytes?

  • Erythrocytes  Normoblasts  Erythroblasts  Reticulocytes

  • Erythroblasts  Normoblasts  Reticulocytes Erythrocytes

  • Erythroblasts  Reticulocytes  Erythrocytes Normoblasts

  • Normoblasts  Erythroblasts  Erythrocytes Reticulocytes


Rhabditiform larva performs extraintestinal migration through different organs in the body of man. Arrange them in the correct sequence

I. Liver

II. Hepatic portal vein

III. Heart

IV. Postcaval vein

V. Lungs

VI. Pulmonary arteries

VII. Alveoli

VIII. Intestine

The correct sequence is

  • IV, I, II, V, VI, III, VIII and VII

  • V, VI, I, III, II, IV, VII and VIII

  • I, II, IV, VI, III, VII, V, VIII

  • II, I, IV, III, VI, V, VII and VIII


Which of the following is true for blood doping?

  • It is same as blood profiling

  • It is the transfer of blood from another person having same blood group

  • It is transfer of once own blood to increase the haemoglobin content to carry out more oxygen

  • It is doping of blood with ions and chemicals to purify it

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