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NEET Biology : Body Fluids and Circulations

Multiple Choice Questions


Low Ca2+ in the body fluid may be the cause of

  • tetany

  • anaemia

  • angina pectoris

  • angina pectoris


Arteries are best defined as the vessels which

  • Carry blood away from the heart to different organs

  • Break up into capillaries which reunite to form a vein

  • Carry blood from one visceral organ to another visceral organ

  • Carry blood from one visceral organ to another visceral organ


Given below is the ECG of a normal human. Which one of its components is human, which one of its components is correctly interpreted below?

  • complex QRS - One complete pulse

  • Peak T - Initiation of total cardiac contraction

  • peak P and peak R together - systolic and diastolic blood pressures

  • peak P and peak R together - systolic and diastolic blood pressures


'Bundle of His' is a part of which one of the following organs in humans?

  • Heart

  • Kidney

  • Pancreas

  • Pancreas


A man with blood group 'A' marries a woman with blood group 'B'. What are all the possible blood groups of their offsprings?

  • A, B and AB only

  • A, B, AB and O

  • O only

  • O only


Which one of the following statements is correct regarding blood pressure?

  • 100/55 mmHg is considered an ideal blood pressure

  • 105/50 mmHg makes one very active

  • 190/110 mmHg may harm vital organs like brain and kidney

  • 190/110 mmHg may harm vital organs like brain and kidney


Which one of the following plasma proteins is involved in the coagulation of blood? 

  • Serum amylase

  • A globulin

  • Fibrinogen 

  • Fibrinogen 


ABO blood groups in humans are controlled by the gene I, It has three alleles - IA, IB and i. Since there are three different alleles, six different genotypes are possible. How many phenotypes can occur?

  • Three

  • one 

  • Four

  • Four


Which one of the following is correct?

  • Plasma = Blood – Lymphocytes

  • Serum = Blood + Fibrinogen

  • Lymph = Plasma + RBC + WBC

  • Lymph = Plasma + RBC + WBC


Blood pressure in the mammalian aorta is maximum during

  • systole of the left atrium

  • diastole of the right ventricle

  • systole of the left ventricle

  • systole of the left ventricle

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