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NEET Biology : Body Fluids and Circulations

Multiple Choice Questions


During urine formation, which of the following process create thigh osmotic pressure in the uriniferous tubule?

  • Active Na+ absorption, followed by absorption of Cl

  • Active Cl absorption, followed by absorption of Na+

  • Active secretion of Na+ into efferent arteriole followed by absorption of Cl into the efferent renal arteriole

  • Active secretion of Cl and absorption of Nainto the efferent renal arteriole


Haemoglobin is

  • An oxygen carrier in human blood

  • A protein used as a food supplement

  • An oxygen scavenger in root nodules

  • A plant protein with high lysine content


The problem due to Rh factor arises when the blood of two (Rh and Rh) mixup

  • During Pregnancy

  • Through transfusion

  • In a test tube

  • Both (a) and (b)


Carbon monoxide is a pollutant because it

  • Reacts with oxygen

  • Inhibits glycolysis

  • Reacts with haemoglobin

  • Makes nervous system inactive


Calcitonin is a thyroid hormone which

  • Elevates potassium level in the blood

  • Lowers calcium level in a blood

  • Elevates calcium level in the blood

  • Has no effect on calcium


 Blood is a kind of

  • Areolar tissue

  • Connective tissue

  • Fluid connective tissue

  • Reticular connective tissue


If due to some injury the chordate tendinae of the tricuspid valve of the human heart is partially non-functional, what will be the immediate effect?

  • The flow of blood into the aorta will be slowed down

  • The ‘pace maker’ will stop working

  • The blood will tend to flow back into the left atrium

  • The flow of blood into the pulmonary artery will be reduced


Rh-factor can produce disease

  • AIDS

  • Tumer’s syndrome

  • Erythroblastosis foetalis

  • Sickle cell anaemia


The most active phagocytic white blood cells are

  • Neutrophils and eosinophils

  • Lymphocytes and macrophages

  • Eosinophils and lymphocyte

  • Neutrophils and monocytes


In cardiac cycle maximum time is taken by

  • Atria systole

  • Atria diastole

  • Ventricle systole

  • Ventricle diastole

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