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NEET Biology : Environmental Issues

Multiple Choice Questions


Acid rain is caused by increase in the atmospheric concentration of

  • SO subscript 2 space and space NO subscript 2
  • SO subscript 3 space and space CO
  • CO subscript 2 space and space CO
  • CO subscript 2 space and space CO


Depletion of which gas in the atmosphere can lead to an increased incidence of skin cancers

  • ozone

  • ammonia

  • methane

  • methane


The air prevention and control of pollution Act came into force in

  • 1975

  • 1981

  • 1985

  • 1985


Joint Forest management Concept was introduced in India during

  • 1970s

  • 1980s

  • 1990s

  • 1990s


Kyoto Protocol was endorsed at 

  • CoP-3

  • CoP-5

  • Cop-6

  • Cop-6


A river with an inflow of domestic sewage-rich in organic waste may result in

  • increased population of aquatic food web organism

  • an increased production of fish due to biodegradable nutrients

  • death of fish due to lack of oxygen

  • death of fish due to lack of oxygen


Global warming can be controlled by

  • Reducing deforestation, cutting down use of fossil fuel

  • Reducing reforestation, increasing the use of fossil fuel

  • Increasing deforestation, slowing down the growth of human population

  • Increasing deforestation, slowing down the growth of human population


Which of the following statements is correct

  • Catalytic converter can separate particulate matter of diameter less than 2.5 micrometers.

  • Histones are acidic in nature that forms core for DNA packaging.

  • Lactobacillus is not present in dough used in idli formation.

  • Template with polarity 5' 3' has continuous DNA replication.


The UN conference of Parties on climate change in the year 2012 was held at

  • Durban

  • Doha

  • Lima

  • Lima


Increase in concentration of the toxicant at successive tropic levels is known as 

  • biomagnification

  • biodeterioration

  • biotransformation

  • biotransformation

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