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NEET Biology : Environmental Issues

Multiple Choice Questions


Green muffler is used against which type of pollution ?

  • Air

  • Soil

  • Water

  • Noise


Biomagnification refers to

  • rapid growth due to excessive intake of nutrients

  • increase in population size

  • decrease in population size

  • increase in concentration of non-degrabable pollutants as they pass through food chain


Main air pollutant is :

  • CO

  • CO2

  • S

  • N2


CO is more toxic than CO2 because

  • it affects the nervous system

  • it damages lungs

  • it reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of haemoglobin

  • it forms acid with water


Which of the following is not a pollutant?

  • Hydrogen

  • Carbon dioxide

  • Sulphur dioxide

  • Carbon monooxide


Acid rain are produced by:

  • excess NO2 and SO2 from burning fossil fuels

  • excess production of NH3 by industry and coal gas

  • excess release of carbon monoxide by incomplete combustion

  • excess formation of CO2 by coinbustion and animal respiration


Which of the following is formed by the reactions of UV-rays of sunlight?

  • SO2

  • CO

  • Ozone

  • Florides


Which of the following statements does not apply to eutrophication?

  • It is the natural ageing of a lake by nutrient enrichment of its water

  • In a young lake the water is cold and clear and supports less life

  • The nutrients such as sulphur and phosphorus encourage the growth of aquatic organisms in the lake

  • Pollutants released by man radically accelerate the ageing process of a lake

  • Pollutants released by man radically accelerate the ageing process of a lake


The ozone hole over Antarctica develops each year between

  • Late December and early February

  • Late February and early April

  • Late April and early June

  • Late August and early October

  • Late August and early October


The sphere of living matter together with water, air and soil on the surface of earth is called

  • atmosphere

  • hydrosphere

  • lithosphere

  • biosphere

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