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NEET Biology : Evolution

Multiple Choice Questions


Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is known to be affected by gene flow, genetic drift, mutation, genetic recombination and

  • Evolution

  • Limiting factors

  • Saltation

  • Natural selection


Darwinism explains all the following except

  • Within each species, there are variations

  • Organisms tend to produce more number of offspring that can survive

  • Offspring with better traits that overcome competition are best suited for the environment

  • Variations are inherited from parents to offspring through genes


The term ‘prebiotic’ soup’ for organic water containing mixture of simple organic compounds was given by

  • Richter

  • Haldane

  • Arrhenius

  • Miller


Theory of pangenesis was given by

  • Darwin

  • Lamarck

  • Hugo de Vries

  • Oparin


Which one of the following human ancestors is known as tool maker?

  • Homo erectus

  • Java man

  • Homo habilis

  • Heidelberg man


Golden ages of reptiles and fishes are respectively

  • Mesozoic and Devonian

  • Jurassic and Permian

  • Triassic and Silurian

  • Palaeozoic and Mesozoic


Which of the following is the most primitive ancestor of man?

  • Ramapithecus

  • Homo habilis

  • Australopithecus

  •  Homo sapiens neanderthalensis


The best description on natural selection is

  • The reproductive success of the members of a population best adapted to an environment

  • It acts when the resources are unlimited

  • A change in the proportion of variations within a population

  • It follows Hardy-Weinberg principle


Which one of the following in birds indicates their reptilian ancestry?

  • Scales on their hindlimbs

  • Four-chambered heart

  • Two special chambers crop and gizzards in their digestive tract 

  • Egg with a calcareous shell


Darwins finches represent

  • Morphological variations

  • Geographical isolations

  • Climate variations

  • Reproductive isolation

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