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NEET Biology : Excretory Products and their Elimination

Multiple Choice Questions


Which one of the following components of urine in a healthy human does not differ much in concentration from that of blood plasma?

  • NH+

  • K+

  • Na+

  • SO2-


Figure shows human urinary systemwith structures labelled A to D. Select option, which correctly identifies them and gives their characteristics and/of functions

  • A - adrenal gland - located at the anterior part of kidney. Secrete catecholamines, which stimulate glycogen breakdown

  • B - pelvis - broad funnel shaped space inner to hilum, directly connected to loops of Henle

  • C - mediulla - inner zone of kidney and contains complete nephrons

  • D - cortex - outer part of kidney and do not contain any part of nephrons


In 24 hours, total glomerular filtrate formed in human kidney is

  • 1.7 litres

  • 7 litres

  • 17 litres

  • 170 litres


Kidney stones are crystals of

  • sodium chloride

  • silica

  • calcium oxalate

  • potassium chloride


The size of filtration slits of glomerulus

  • 10 nm

  • 15 nm

  • 20 nm

  • 25 nm


Which among the following statements is correct with respect to functional structure of glomerular membrane?

I. The endothelium is perforated by small holes called fenestral.

II. The basement membrane is present inside the endothelium and is composed of meshwork of collagen.

III. The epithelium of visceral layer has cells, which are of peculiar shape and are called podocytes.

IV. The shapes between pedicels are called slit pores through which glomerular filterate filters.

Choose the correct option

  • I, II and III

  • I, III and IV

  • I, II and IV

  • II, III and IV


Which one of the following animals is uricotelic?

  • Lizard

  • Camel

  • Toad

  • Rohu fish


Statement I. The renal fluid becomes increasingly concentrated, when it flows down in the descending limb of loop of Henle towards inner medulla, but its concentration decreases in the ascending limb, when it flows towards the cortex.

Statement II. The descending limb of the loop of Henle water is reabsorbed; the ascending limb is impermeable to water, but salts are absorbed.

  • Statement I is correct, but Statement II is incorrect

  • Statement II is correct, but Statement I is incorrect

  • Both statements are correct

  • Both statements are incorrect


Which hormone is responsible for reabsorption of water in kidney?

  • ADH

  • STH

  • ACTH

  • GTH


Final excretion in urine of which substance is

  • amino acid

  • urea

  • glucose and glycogen

  • uric acid

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