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NEET Biology : Human Health and Disease

Multiple Choice Questions


Widal test is used for the diagnosis of 

  • Malaria 

  • pneumonia

  • tuberculosis

  • tuberculosis


Select the correct statement from the ones given below

  • Barbiturates, when given to criminals, make them tell the truth

  • Morphine is often given to person who has undergone surgery as a pain killer

  • Chewing tobacco lowers blood pressure and heart rate

  • Chewing tobacco lowers blood pressure and heart rate


Select the correct statements with respect to diseases and immunisation

  • if due to some reason B and T - lymphocytes are damaged, the body will not produce antibodies against a pathogen

  • injection of dead/inactivated pathogens causes passive immunity

  • certain protozoans have been used to mass produce hepatitis B vaccine

  • certain protozoans have been used to mass produce hepatitis B vaccine


Fastest distribution of some injectible material /medicine and with no risk of any kind can be achieved by injecting it into the

  • muscles

  • arteries

  • veins

  • veins


Infectionus proteins are present in

  • geminiviruses

  • prions

  • viroids

  • viroids


Which one of the following statements is correct with respect to AIDS?

  • The HIV can be transmitted through eating food together with an infected person

  • Durg addicts are least susceptible to HIV infection

  • AIDS patients are being fully cured cent percent with proper care and nutrition

  • AIDS patients are being fully cured cent percent with proper care and nutrition


Ringworm in humans is caused by 

  • Bacteria 

  • fungi 

  • nematodes

  • nematodes


Which one of the following techniques is safest for the detection of cancer?

  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

  • Radiography (X -ray)

  • Computed Tomography (CT)

  • Computed Tomography (CT)


Common cold is not cured by antibiotics because it is

  • caused by a virus

  • caused by a Gram-positive bacterium

  • caused by a Gram-negative bacterium

  • caused by a Gram-negative bacterium


A person suffering from a disease caused by Plasmodium experiences recurring chill and fever at the time when the

  • sporozoites released from RBCs are being rapidly killed and broken down inside spleen

  • trophozoites reach maximum growth and give out certain toxins

  • Parasite after its rapid multiplication inside RBCs ruptures them, releasing the stage to enter fresh RBCs

  • Parasite after its rapid multiplication inside RBCs ruptures them, releasing the stage to enter fresh RBCs

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