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NEET Biology : Human Health and Disease

Multiple Choice Questions


Mast cells secrete

  • hippurin

  • myoglobin

  • histamine

  • histamine


To which type of barriers under innate immunity, do the saliva in the mouth and the tears the eyes, belong?

  • Cytokine barriers

  • cellular barriers

  • Physiological barriers

  • Physiological barriers


A person showing unpredictable moods, outbursts of emotion, quarrelsome behaviour and conflicts with others is suffering from

  • schizophrenia

  • borderline personality disorder (BPD)

  • mood disorders

  • mood disorders


If you suspect major deficiency of antibodies in a person, to which of the following would you look for confirmatory evidence?

  • Serum albumins

  • Serum globulins

  • Fibrinogen in the plasma

  • Fibrinogen in the plasma


The 'blue baby' syndrome results from

  • excess of chloride

  • methaemoglobin

  • excess of dissolved oxygen

  • excess of dissolved oxygen


Ascaris is characterised by 

  • the absence of true coelom but the presence of metamerism

  • the presence of neither true coelom nor metamerism

  • the presence of true coelom but the absence of metamerism

  • the presence of true coelom but the absence of metamerism


HIV that causes AIDS, first starts destroying

  • B-lymphocytes

  • leucocytes

  • thrombocytes

  • thrombocytes


Which one of the following is the correct statement regarding the particular psychotropic drug specified

  • Hashish cause alter thought perceptions and hallucinations

  • Opium stimulates nervous system and cause hallucinations

  • Morphine leds to delusions and disturbed emotions

  • Morphine leds to delusions and disturbed emotions


Human insulin is being commericially produced from a transgenic species of 

  • Escherichia

  • Mycobacterium 

  • Rhizobium

  • Rhizobium


Consider the following four measure (A-D) that could be taken to successfully grow chickpea in an area where bacterial blight disease is common

A) spray with Bordeaux mixture

B) control of the insect vector of the disease pathogen

C) Use of only disease-free seeds

D) Use of varieties resistant to the disease

Which two fo the above measures can control the disease?

  • B and C

  • A and B

  • C and D

  • C and D

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