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NEET Biology : Locomotion and Movement

Multiple Choice Questions


Read the following statements.

Statement I. The flat bones of skull are spongy without marrow cavity.

Statement II. Specialised Bones of skull in mammals are called diploic bones.

Identify wheather the given statements are true or false and choose the correct option.

  • Statement I Statement II
    True False
  • False True
  • True True
  • False False


Microtubules are assembled from molecules of the protein tubulin, which is a

  • monomer

  • dimer

  • trimer

  • pentamer


What type of cartilaginous tissue is found in the inter-vertebral discs?

  • Costal cartilage

  • Hyaline cartilage

  • White fibrous cartilage

  • Yellow elastic cartilage


Match the following Columns

Column I Column II
A.  Pisiform bone i. Ruminants
B. Fibrous cartilage ii. Wrist bone
C. Hyaline cartilage iii. Intervertebral discs
D. OS- cardis

iv. Larynx

v. Pinna

The correct answer is

  • A - ii; B - iii; C - iv; D - v

  • A - v; B - ii; C - i; D - iv

  • A - iv; B - iii; C - ii; D - i

  • A - v; B - ii; C - iii; D - iv


Study the following and identify the incorrect statements.

I. Muscles of the iris end ciliary body are the smooth muscles of mesodermal origin.

II. Slow and sustained involuntary contractions of smooth muscles are called spasms.

III. Quiescent mononucleate myogenic cells of skeletal muscles are called pericytes.

IV. The skeletal muscle fibre is multinucleate and is a synctium.

  • I, IV

  • II, IV

  • III, IV

  • I, III


Which of the following is not involved in muscular contraction?

  • Calcium ion

  • Troponin

  • Actin

  • Magnesium ion


Thousand of years old mummies are still in their condition as they were before due to some reason. Which of the following describe it the best?

  • Due to non-destruction of yellow elastin fibre

  • Due to non-destruction of white elastin fibre

  • Due to non-destruction of collagen fibre

  • Due to non-destruction of veins


Osteoid refers to

  • the smallest bone of the body

  • young hyaline matrix of true bone in which calcium salts are deposited

  • membranous ossification of cranium

  • the largest bone of the body


Choose the correctly paired sets from the following.

Set I Set II Set III
I. Sphenoid bone Key- stone bone Cranium
II. Acromion process Collor bone Scapula
III. Xiphoid process Breast bone Thorax
IV. Odontoid process Atlas Cervical vertebra

  • I, IV

  • II, IV

  • II, III

  • I, III


Patella (knee cap) is an example of

  • replacing bones

  • sesamoid bones

  • flat bones

  • irregular bones

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