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NEET Biology : Molecular Basis of Inheritance

Multiple Choice Questions


In the ribose of RNA, unlike DNA, every nucleotide residue has an additional

  • COOH group in the 2'position

  • OH group in the 5' position

  • OH group in the 2'position

  • Phosphate group in the 2' position

  • Phosphate group in the 2' position


Read the following statements and choose the correct option:

I. RNA polymerase associates transiently with 'Rho' factor to initiate transcription.

II. In bacteria, transcription and translation takes place in the same compartment.

III. RNA polymerase I is responsible for transcription of tRNA.

IV. When hnRNA undergoes capping process, adenlyte residues are added at 3' end in a template independent manner.

V. hRNA is the precursor of mRNA.

  • II only is correct

  • II, III and V only are correct

  • III and IV only are correct

  • I and IV only are correct

  • I and IV only are correct


In the double-helical structure of DNA, the pitch of the helix is

  • 3.4 nm

  • 0.34 nm

  • 6.6 nm

  • 34 nm

  • 34 nm


Aminoacylation of tRNA is essential for

  • replication of RNA

  • formation of peptide bond

  • splicing

  • initiation of transcription

  • initiation of transcription


Which property among these listed below is not a criteria for a molecule to act as a genetic material?

  • Generate its replica

  • Chemically and structurally stable

  • Mutate slowly to facilitate evolution

  • Express itself in the form of Mendelian characters

  • Express itself in the form of Mendelian characters


Choose the correct statement.

  • Haploid content of human DNA is 4.6 × 106 bp.

  • A nitrogenous base is linked to pentose sugar through phosphodiester linkage

  • X-ray diffraction data of Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin was the basis of Watson and Crick's DNA model

  • DNA is an acidic substance was first identified by Watson and Crick

  • DNA is an acidic substance was first identified by Watson and Crick


Physical association of genes on a chromosome is called

  • Repulsion

  • Linkage

  • Aneuploidy

  • Duplication

  • Duplication


The moiety present at the 5' end of ribose sugar in a polynucleotide is

  • OH

  • CH2

  • Phosphate

  • Adenine

  • Adenine


Match Column I with Column II and choose the correct option.

Column I (Scientists) Column II (Concept)
I. Taylor and colleagues A. Lac operon
II.  Hershey and Chase B.  DNA replicates semi-conservatively
III. Griffith C. Transforming principle
IV.  Jacob & Monod

D. DNA is the genetic material

E. Transcription

  • I - B; II - E; III - A; IV - C

  • I - C; II - D; III - B; IV - A

  • I - B; II - D; III - C; IV - A

  • I - A; II - E; III - D; IV - B

  • I - A; II - E; III - D; IV - B


Which triplet codon does not have a tRNA associated with

  • UAA

  • UUA

  • UUU

  • AUU

  • AUU

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